Using the z/OSMF core JavaScript APIs

z/OSMF provides the zosmfExternalTools JavaScript API, which z/OSMF tasks can use to define actions to be performed before z/OSMF closes the task, to obtain a unique user session identifier, and to store and manage public objects in z/OSMF core.

The API is located at the following path: /zosmf/js/zosmf/util. To access the functions in the API and to dynamically add functions to the API, you must import and instantiate the zosmfExternalTools object in your task’s HTML file. Sample code is provided in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Sample JavaScript code for importing and instantiating the global zosmfExternalTools object
require ([“dojo/_base/window”,”zosmf/util/zosmfExternalTools”], 
            function (win, zosmfExternalTools) {
	 = new zosmfExternalTools();
For information about the functions that are included in or can be added to the API, see the following sections:

Functions provided in the zosmfExternalTools API

Table 1 lists the functions that are provided in the zosmfExternalTools API.
Table 1. Functions provided in the zosmfExternalTools API
Function Usage Where described
programmaticallyCloseTab Call this function to request for z/OSMF core to close your task. programmaticallyCloseTab function
cleanupBeforeDestroyComplete Call this function to inform z/OSMF core that the actions performed by the cleanupBeforeDestroy function are complete. After which, z/OSMF closes your task. cleanupBeforeDestroyComplete function
getUserSessionId Call this function to retrieve the unique session identifier that z/OSMF core creates for each user and z/OSMF instance combination. getUserSessionId function
definePublicObject Call this function to define a public object in z/OSMF core. definePublicObject function
retrievePublicObject Call this function to retrieve a public object from z/OSMF core. retrievePublicObject function
deletePublicObject Call this function to delete a public object from z/OSMF core. deletePublicObject function

Functions you can add to the zosmfExternalTools API

Table 2 lists the functions you can define and dynamically add to the zosmfExternalTools API. z/OSMF core calls these functions when specific events are triggered.
Table 2. Functions you can add to the zosmfExternalTools API
Function Usage When called Where described
isContentChanged Define this function if you want your task to check for unsaved changes before z/OSMF closes the task. z/OSMF core calls your isContentChanged function when:
  • A user clicks the X icon to close the z/OSMF tab that contains your task.
  • Your task calls the programmaticallyCloseTask function.
isContentChanged function
shouldClose Define this function if you want to delay the close task request for an unspecified period of time so that your task can perform some additional actions. z/OSMF core calls your shouldClose function when a user clicks the X icon to close the z/OSMF tab that contains your task. shouldClose function
cleanupBeforeDestroy Define this function if you want to delay the close task request for up to one second so that your task can perform some cleanup actions before z/OSMF closes the task. z/OSMF core calls your cleanupBeforeDestroy function when a user:
  • Logs out of z/OSMF.
  • Clicks the X icon to close the z/OSMF tab that contains your task.
  • Closes the browser tab or window.
  • Changes the URL in the browser and redirects away from z/OSMF.
cleanupBeforeDestroy function