Start of change

Get the properties of an archived workflow

You can use this operation to retrieve the properties of an archived z/OSMF workflow.

HTTP method and URI path

GET /zosmf/workflow/rest/<version>/archivedworkflows/<workflowKey>
In this request, the URI path variables are described, as follows:
  • <version> identifies the version of the z/OSMF workflow service. The following value is valid: 1.0.
  • <workflowKey> identifies the archived workflow to be queried.

Query parameters

You can specify the following query parameter on this request:
This optional query parameter is used to request information about the workflow steps and variables. Include one or both of the following attributes on the returnData parameter:
Returns an array of step-info objects; one object for each step in the workflow. Table 4 lists the fields in the step-info JSON object.
Returns an array of variable-info objects; one object for each variable that is referenced in the workflow. Table 5 lists the fields in the variable-info JSON object.
To specify both attributes, separate the attributes by a comma (','), as follows:
Do not enclose the attributes in quotation marks.


This operation retrieves the properties of an archived z/OSMF workflow. You can optionally expand the returned information through the specification of query parameters. On successful completion, HTTP status code 200 (OK) is returned and the response body is provided, as described in Table 2.

For the format of this information, see the JSON objects that are described in Table 4 and Table 5.

Authorization requirements

See Authorization requirements.

HTTP status codes

On successful completion, HTTP status code 200 (OK) is returned and the response body is provided, as described in Table 2.

Otherwise, the following HTTP status codes are returned for the indicated errors. The response body is a standard error response body providing the reason code that is indicated and associated error message.

Table 1. HTTP error response codes for a get archived workflow properties request
HTTP error status code Description
HTTP 400 Bad request The request contained an incorrect parameter, such as an incorrect workflow key.
HTTP 403 Forbidden The requestor user ID is not permitted to retrieve the workflow properties.
HTTP 404 Not found The specified workflow key was not found; the workflow does not exist.

Additional standard status codes can be returned, as described in HTTP status codes.

Response content

On successful completion, the response body is a JSON object that contains the retrieved data. Table 2 lists the fields in the JSON object.

Table 2. JSON object that is returned to a get archived workflow properties request
Field name Type Description
workflowName String Descriptive name for the workflow.
workflowKey String Workflow key. A string value, generated by z/OSMF to uniquely identify the workflow instance.
workflowDescription String Description of the workflow.
workflowID String Workflow ID. A short, arbitrary value that identifies the workflow.
workflowVersion String Version of the workflow definition file.
workflowDefinitionFileMD5Value String The 128-bit hash value that is associated with the workflow definition file that was used to create the workflow.
vendor String Name of the vendor that provided the workflow definition file.
owner String User ID of the workflow owner.
system String Full name of the z/OS system on which the workflow is to be performed. This value is in the format sysplex.sysname.
category String Category of the workflow, which is either general or configuration.
productID String Identifier of the product or component that is being configured through the workflow, such as the product identifier (PID) or function modification identifier (FMID).
productName String Name of the product or component that is being configured through the workflow.
productVersion String Version and release of the product or component that is configured through the workflow.
percentComplete Integer Percentage of the workflow that is completed. z/OSMF calculates this value based on the number of steps in the workflow and the relative weighting value of each step.
statusName String

Indicates the current workflow status, which is archived.

automationStatus Object
An automation-info object that contains details about the most recent start automation request for the workflow. The content of this property depends on the following factors:
  • If no automation was performed for the workflow, this property is null.
  • If automation was restarted after being stopped previously, this property indicates the status of the current start automation request.
  • If automation processing is still in progress, this property indicates which step is being processed.
  • If automation is stopped and the workflow status is not complete, this property identifies the step most closely related to why automation was stopped.
  • If automation is stopped and the workflow status is complete, this property indicates that automation is completed.

Table 3 lists the fields in the automation-info object.

access String Specifies the access type for the workflow. The access type determines which users can view the workflow steps and edit the step notes, as described in Workflow access type.
The following values are valid:
  • Public
  • Restricted
  • Private
archivedTime String Date and time on the system when the workflow was archived. The date and time is in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
accountInfo String May be null, or the account information in the JCL JOB statement.
jobStatement String May be null, or a list of JCL cards, each up to 72 characters long.
steps Array of objects

Array of one or more step-info objects that contain details about each of the steps in the workflow. This property is returned only when the query parameter returnData specifies the attribute steps.

The content of this array depends on what the requestor is permitted to see. For more information, see Description.

Table 4 lists the fields in the step-info object.

variables Array of objects

Array of one or more variable-info objects that contain details about the variables that are used in the workflow. This property is returned only when the query parameter returnData specifies the attribute variables.

The content of this array depends on what the requestor is permitted to see. For more information, see Description.

Table 6 lists the fields in the variable-info object.

Format of the automation-info object

Table 3 lists the fields in the automation-info JSON object.
Table 3. Get Archived Workflow Properties request: Format of the automation-info object
Field name Type Description
startUser String User ID of the user who initiated the automation processing.
startedTime Timestamp Time that automation processing started. The timestamp data type is used to mean a non-negative Long integer quantity where the value represents a date and time expressed as the number of milliseconds since midnight on January 1, 1970 UTC.
stoppedTime Timestamp Time that automation processing stopped. If automation is still in progress, this property is set to null. The timestamp data type is used to mean a non-negative Long integer quantity where the value represents a date and time expressed as the number of milliseconds since midnight on January 1, 1970 UTC.
currentStepName String Name of the step that is being processed automatically. Or, the name of the step that caused automation to stop. If automation is stopped and the workflow status is complete, this property is set to null.
currentStepNumber String The step number. If automation is stopped and the workflow status is complete, this property is set to null.
currentStepTitle String Step title. If automation is stopped and the workflow status is complete, this property is set to null.
messageID String Message identifier for the accompanying message. If automation is still in progress, this property is set to null.
messageText String Message text that describes the reason that automation is stopped. If automation is still in progress, this property is set to null.

Format of the step-info object

Table 4 lists the fields in the step-info JSON object. Not all of the properties are returned for every step. Some properties are returned or omitted depending on the step type, as noted in the When returned column. This information in this column indicates whether valid data is returned for the step, as follows:
All step types
Properties that are returned for all step types.
Calling steps
Properties that are returned for a step that calls another workflow for execution.
Start of changeTemplate stepsEnd of change
Start of changeProperties that are returned for a step that runs a program, such as a batch job, REXX exec, or UNIX shell script.End of change
REST steps
Properties that are returned for a step that issues a REST API request, such as a GET or PUT request.

With regard to returned data, a template step and a REST step are mutually exclusive. The returned information for a template step does not include the properties for a REST step. Likewise, the returned information for a REST step does not include the properties for a template step. To help you identify which steps are REST steps, the step-info object includes the isRestStep property, set to true or false.

Table 4. Get Archived Workflow Properties request: Format of the step-info object
Field name Type When returned Description
name String All step types Name of the step.
Start of changeactualStatusCodeEnd of change Start of changeStringEnd of change Start of changeREST steps onlyEnd of change Start of changeThe actual HTTP status code received from the REST API request. To obtain this value, map it to a workflow variable.End of change
assignees String Calling steps and template steps Step assignees; one or more user IDs that are assigned to the step. Multiple items are separated by commas.
autoEnable Boolean All step types Indicates whether the step can be performed automatically when all prerequisite steps are completed, and no user inputs are required.
calledInstanceURI String Calling steps only For a step that calls another workflow for execution, this property contains the URI path of the called workflow instance. You can use this value to retrieve information about the called workflow.

This property is null until the step is performed and either a new instance of the called workflow is created or an existing instance is found.

calledWorkflowID String Calling steps only This property contains the workflow ID of a workflow definition file; it is used to help locate an existing workflow instance when this step is performed. This property is null when the property calledWorkflowMD5 is specified.
calledWorkflowVersion String Calling steps only This property contains the workflow version of a workflow definition file; it is used to help locate an existing workflow instance when this step is performed.
This property:
  • Is null when the property calledWorkflowMD5 is specified
  • Might be null when the property calledWorkflowID is specified.
calledWorkflowMD5 String Calling steps only This property contains the 128-bit hash value of a workflow definition file; it is used to help locate an existing workflow instance when this step is performed. This property is null when the property calledWorkflowID is specified.
calledWorkflowDescription String Calling steps only This property contains a description of the workflow to be called, from the point of view of the calling workflow.
calledWorkflowDefinitionFile String Calling steps only This property contains the name of the workflow definition file that will be used to create a new workflow if an existing instance is not found when this step is performed. This property might be null.
description String All step types Step description.
Start of changeexpectedStatusCodeEnd of change Start of changeStringEnd of change Start of changeREST steps onlyEnd of change Start of changeThe expected HTTP status code from the REST API request. If the expectedStatusCode value does not match the actualStatusCode value, the workflow step fails. This behavior is similar to what happens when a template step returns a return code that is greater than the allowed maximum return code.End of change
Start of changefailedPatternEnd of change Start of changeArray of stringsEnd of change Start of changeTemplate steps onlyEnd of change Start of changeOptional regular expression that can be returned for program execution failures. This property might be null.End of change
hasCalledWorkflow Boolean Calling steps and template steps Indicates whether this step calls another workflow (true or false). If true, this step is a "calling" step, that is, it calls another workflow for execution. If false, it is a template step.

This property is returned only when steps=null, which indicates a leaf step.

Start of changehostnameEnd of change Start of changeStringEnd of change Start of changeREST steps onlyEnd of change Start of changeIndicates the hostname or IP address of the site to which the REST request is directed. For example: of change
Start of changehttpMethodEnd of change Start of changeStringEnd of change Start of changeREST steps onlyEnd of change Start of changeIndicates the HTTP method that is used for issuing the REST API request. The possible values are:
  • GET
  • PUT
  • POST
End of change
instructions String Template steps only Detailed instructions on what the user must do to perform the step.
instructionsSub Boolean Template steps only

Indicates whether the step instructions contain variables (true or false).

isConditionStep Boolean Calling steps and template steps Indicates whether this step is a conditional step (true or false).
Start of changeisRestStepEnd of change Start of changeBooleanEnd of change Start of changeAll step typesEnd of change Start of changeIndicates whether this step is a REST API step (true or false).
When set to true, the following properties contain details about the REST request. Otherwise, these properties are set to null.
  • actualStatusCode
  • expectedStatusCode
  • hostname
  • hostnameSub
  • httpMethod
  • port
  • portSub
  • queryParameters
  • queryParametersSub
  • requestBody
  • requestBodySub
  • schemeName
  • schemeNameSub
  • uriPath
  • uriPathSub
The following step properties are not applicable for a REST step and thus, are omitted from the output:
  • template
  • templateSub
  • output
  • outputSub
  • saveAsDataset
  • saveAsDatasetSub
  • saveAsUnixFile
  • saveAsUnixFileSub
  • submitAs
  • maxLrecl
  • returnCode
End of change
maxLrecl Integer Template steps only

For a step that submits a job, this value specifies the maximum record length, in bytes, for the input data for the job. This value is an integer 80 - 1024. The default is 1024.

optional Boolean All step types

Indicates whether the step is optional (true or false).

output String Template steps only

Indicates the name of the output file produced by the step (a data set or UNIX file). The output file can contain variables and values that are used by subsequent steps.

outputSub Boolean Template steps only

Indicates whether the output file name contains variable substitution (true or false).

Start of changeoutputVariablesPrefixEnd of change Start of changeStringEnd of change Start of changeTemplate steps onlyEnd of change Start of change

For a step that creates a variable, this property contains a prefix that identifies a string as a variable. This property might be null.

End of change
owner String Calling steps and template steps

User ID of the step owner.

Start of changeportEnd of change Start of changeStringEnd of change Start of changeREST steps onlyEnd of change Start of changePort number that is associated with the REST request.End of change
Start of changeportSubEnd of change Start of changeBooleanEnd of change Start of changeREST steps onlyEnd of change Start of change

Indicates whether the port number contains variable substitution (true or false).

End of change
prereqStep Array of strings All step types

Lists the names of the steps that must be completed before this step can be performed. Up to 499 prerequisite steps can be defined for a step.

Start of changeprocNameEnd of change Start of changeStringEnd of change Start of changeTemplate steps onlyEnd of change Start of change

For a step that runs a program under TSO/E, this property contains the name of the logon procedure that is used to log into the TSO/E address space. If no value was specified for the step, the default is IZUFPROC.

End of change
Start of changequeryParametersEnd of change Start of changeStringEnd of change Start of changeREST steps onlyEnd of change Start of change

For a REST request that includes query parameters, this property contains the query parameters. Otherwise, this property is null.

End of change
Start of changequeryParametersSubEnd of change Start of changeBooleanEnd of change Start of changeREST steps onlyEnd of change Start of change

This property indicates whether the query parameters contain variable substitution (true or false). Otherwise, this property is null.

End of change
Start of changeregionSizeEnd of change Start of changeStringEnd of change Start of changeTemplate steps onlyEnd of change Start of change

For a step that runs a program under TSO/E, this property contains the region size for the TSO/E address space. If no value was specified for the step, the default is 50000.

End of change
Start of changerequestBodyEnd of change Start of changeStringEnd of change Start of changeREST steps onlyEnd of change Start of change

For a REST request that includes a request body, this property contains the request body. Otherwise, this property is null.

End of change
Start of changerequestBodySubEnd of change Start of changeBooleanEnd of change Start of changeREST steps onlyEnd of change Start of change

This property indicates whether the request body variable substitution (true or false). Otherwise, this property is null.

End of change
returnCode String Template steps only

For a step that submits a job to run, this property indicates the return code that was returned when the job was submitted.

saveAsDataset String Template steps only

Data set name (fully qualified, no quotation marks) that contains the saved JCL.

saveAsDatasetSub Boolean Template steps only

Indicates whether the data set name contains variable substitution (true or false).

saveAsUnixFile String Template steps only

UNIX file name (absolute name) that contains the saved JCL.

saveAsUnixFileSub Boolean Template steps only

Indicates whether the UNIX file name contains variable substitution (true or false).

Start of changeschemeNameEnd of change Start of changeStringEnd of change Start of changeREST steps onlyEnd of change Start of changeThe scheme name that is used for the REST request. For example: http.End of change
Start of changeschemeNameSubEnd of change Start of changeBooleanEnd of change Start of changeREST steps onlyEnd of change Start of change

Indicates whether the scheme name contains variable substitution (true or false).

End of change
Start of changescriptParametersEnd of change Start of changeArray of stringsEnd of change Start of changeTemplate steps onlyEnd of change Start of change

For a step that runs a program, this property contains the input parameters that can be set by the step owner. This property might be null.

End of change
skills String Calling steps and template steps

The type of skills that are required to perform the step.

state String All step types
State of the step. One of the following status indicators is displayed:
  • Unassigned. The step is in the Unassigned state; no users or groups are assigned to the step.
  • Assigned. Users or groups are assigned to the step, but no user accepted ownership of the step.
  • Not Ready. A user accepted ownership of the step, however, a prerequisite step must be completed or a conditional dependency must be satisfied before the step can be performed.
  • Ready. The step is ready to be performed; all prerequisite steps and conditional dependencies are satisfied.
  • In Progress. The step is in progress. For a parent step, a state of In Progress means that at least one of the child steps is started, but is not yet complete, overridden, or skipped. For a leaf step, a state of In Progress means that the step is started, but is not yet complete, overridden, or skipped.
  • Submitted. The step included a job, which the step owner submitted.
  • Complete. The step was completed.
  • Skipped. The step was bypassed by the step assignee.
  • Complete (Override). The step was marked complete, but the work was performed outside of the Workflows task.
  • Failed. The step included a job that was submitted by the step owner. However, the job failed to complete successfully.
  • Conflicts. The step created an output file for use by a subsequent step. However, values in that file conflict with existing instance or global variables.
  • Condition Not Satisfied. The step is a conditional step, and the condition is not satisfied.
stepNumber String All step types

The step number. Steps are numbered to indicate the sequence in which steps are to be performed. For example, the first step in a workflow is 1.

steps Array of objects All step types

For a parent step, this is a nested array of step-info objects. For a leaf step, this property is null.

Check this property first before you check the other, non-common step properties. A non-null value here means that the calling step properties are omitted, as are the template step properties Start of changeand the REST step propertiesEnd of change.

Start of changesubmitAsEnd of change Start of changeStringEnd of change Start of changeTemplate steps onlyEnd of change Start of change
Indicates the type of executable program: JCL job, a REXX exec, or a UNIX shell script, which includes a REXX exec that is written for the UNIX shell environment. The possible values are the following:
  • “JCL”
  • "TSO-REXX"
  • “shell-JCL”
  • "TSO-UNIX-shell"
End of change
Start of changesuccessPatternEnd of change Start of changeStringEnd of change Start of changeTemplate steps onlyEnd of change Start of change

Regular expression that is returned for a successful program execution.

End of change
Start of changetemplateEnd of change Start of changeStringEnd of change Start of changeTemplate steps onlyEnd of change Start of change

Indicates the template that is used to run a program or batch job (inline or external file).

End of change
templateSub Boolean Template steps only

Indicates whether template contains variable substitution (true or false). The default is false.

Start of changetimeoutEnd of change Start of changeStringEnd of change Start of changeTemplate steps onlyEnd of change Start of change

For a step that runs a REXX exec or UNIX shell script, this property contains the maximum amount of time that the program can run before it is ended by a timeout condition.

End of change
title String All step types

Step title.

Start of changeuriPathEnd of change Start of changeStringEnd of change Start of changeREST steps onlyEnd of change Start of changeThe URI path to use for the REST request.End of change
Start of changeuriPathSubEnd of change Start of changeBooleanEnd of change Start of changeREST steps onlyEnd of change Start of change

Indicates whether the URI path contains variable substitution (true or false).

End of change
userDefined Boolean All step types Indicates whether the step was added manually to the workflow (true or false). If true, the step was added by the workflow owner, using the Update Workflow Steps action in the Workflows table. If false, the step was defined in the workflow definition that was used to create the workflow.
variable-references Array of objects Template steps only

An array of variable-reference objects, the format of which is described in Table 5.

weight Integer Calling steps and template steps

The relative difficulty of the step compared to other steps within this workflow (an integer value 1 - 1000).

Format of the variable-reference object

Table 5 lists the fields in the variable-reference JSON object.
Table 5. Get Archived Workflow Properties request: Format of the variable-reference object
Field name Type Description
name String Name of the variable.
scope String Variable scope, which is either instance or global.

Format of the variable-info object

Table 6 lists the fields in the variable-info JSON object.
Table 6. Get Archived Workflow Properties request: Format of the variable-info object
Field name Type Description
name String Name of the variable.
scope String Variable scope, which is either instance or global.
type String Type of variable, which is one of the following values:
  • boolean
  • string
  • number
  • date
  • time
value String Variable value.
Start of changevisibilityEnd of change Start of changeStringEnd of change Start of changePublic or private.End of change

Example HTTP interaction

In the following example, the GET method is used to retrieve information about an archived workflow. The workflow is uniquely identified by the workflow key, which is represented by the following string value: 2535b19e-a8c3-4a52-9d77-e30bb920f912.

Figure 1. Sample request to get archived workflow properties
GET /zosmf/workflow/rest/1.0/archivedworkflows/2535b19e-a8c3-4a52-9d77-e30bb920f912
Connection: close
Authorization: Basic em9zbWZhZDp6b3NtZmFk

An example of the response is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Sample response from a get archived workflow properties request
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"percentComplete": 0,
"statusName": "archived",
"vendor": "IBM",
"accountInfo": null,
"workflowVersion": "1.0",
"automationStatus": null,
"access": "Public",
"productVersion": "Version 1",
"productID": "ABC123",
"category": "configuration",
"workflowName": "Sample demonstrating variable substitution and the 
use of a wizard. - Workflow_5",
"workflowDescription": "Sample demonstrating variable substitution and the 
use of a wizard.",
"workflowID": "wizardSample",
"owner": "domadmin",
"jobStatement": null,
"workflowKey": "2535b19e-a8c3-4a52-9d77-e30bb920f912",
"productName": "Product ABC",
"archivedTime": "2016-10-11 09:28:33"


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