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Delete an archived workflow

You can use this operation to remove an archived z/OSMF workflow from a z/OS system.

HTTP method and URI path

DELETE /zosmf/workflow/rest/<version>/archivedworkflows/<workflowKey>
In this request, the URI path variables are described, as follows:
  • <version> identifies the version of the z/OSMF workflow service. The following value is valid: 1.0.
  • <workflowKey> identifies the archived workflow to be deleted.

Query parameters



This operation is used to delete an archived workflow from z/OSMF, including any notes that accompany the workflow and its steps, and the history log for the workflow.

Request content


Authorization requirements

This request is available to the workflow owner only. A delete request from another user is rejected with the HTTP status code 403 (Forbidden) and an appropriate error message in the JSON response object.

For other authorization requirements, see Authorization requirements.

HTTP status codes

On successful completion, HTTP status code 204 (No content) is returned.

Otherwise, the following HTTP status codes are returned for the indicated errors. The response body is a standard error response body providing the reason code that is indicated and associated error message.

Table 1. HTTP error response codes for a delete archived workflow request
HTTP error status code Description
HTTP 400 Bad request The request contained an incorrect parameter, such as an incorrect workflow key.
HTTP 403 Forbidden The requestor user ID is not permitted to delete the workflow properties.
HTTP 404 Not found The specified workflow key was not found; the workflow does not exist.

Other standard status codes can be returned, as described in HTTP status codes.

Response content


Example HTTP interaction

In the following example, the DELETE method is used to delete an archived workflow. The workflow is identified by the workflow key, which is the following string value: 7c4bac42-16a3-4af5-a5b9-263e60b280a4.
Figure 1. Sample request to delete an archived workflow
DELETE /zosmf/workflow/rest/1.0/archivedworkflows/7c4bac42-16a3-4af5-a5b9-263e60b280a4 HTTP/1.1
Connection: close
Authorization: Basic em9zbWZhZDp6b3NtZmFk
For a successful request, the HTTP response 204 is returned.
Figure 2. Sample response from a delete archived workflow request
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

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