Retrieve the properties of a software instance

You can use this operation to retrieve the properties of a software instance. The properties include, but are not limited to, the global zone and target zones associated with the software instance and a list of the products, features, FMIDs, and non-SMP/E managed data sets that are included in the software instance.

HTTP method and URI path

GET /zosmf/swmgmt/swi/<system-nickname>/<swi-name>
  • zosmf/swmgmt identifies the software management services.
  • swi informs the service that the request is for the software instance object.
  • <system-nickname>/<swi-name> further qualifies the request and indicates the specific software instance to be retrieved. A software instance is uniquely identified by its name (swi-name) and the nickname (system-nickname) of the z/OSMF host system that has access to the volumes and data sets where the software instance resides.

    To obtain information about the specified system, you can use the z/OSMF topology services. For more details, see Topology services.

Standard headers

Use the following standard HTTP header with this request:

Identifies the preferred language for messages that may be returned to the caller. Acceptable values are "Accept-Language: en" (English) and "Accept-Language: ja" (Japanese). Any other language value is ignored and English is used instead. In addition, if the header is not specified, then English is used.

Custom headers


Request content


Required authorizations

To submit requests through the software management services, the user ID initiating the request requires the same authorizations as when performing an analogous operation using the z/OSMF Software Management task. That is, to retrieve the properties of a software instance, the user ID initiating the request must have READ access to both the z/OSMF Software Management task and the software instance. For information about access controls for the Software Management task, see IBM z/OS Management Facility Configuration Guide.

Expected response

On completion, the service returns an HTTP response, which includes a status code indicating whether your request completed. Status code 200 indicates success. A status code of 4nn or 5nn indicates that an error has occurred. For more details, see Error handling.

If the request is successful, the response also includes the following JSON object:
Name of the software instance.
Nickname of the z/OSMF host system that has access to the volumes and data sets where the software instance resides. To obtain information about the specified system, you can use the z/OSMF topology services. For more details, see Topology services.
Description of the software instance.
CSI data set that contains the global zone used to manage the software.Start of change If the software instance has no global zone, then this property will be null.End of change
Comma-separated list of the target zones included in the software instance.Start of change If the software instance has no global zone, then this property will be null.End of change
Comma-separated list of the categories to which the software instance is assigned.
Date and time the product, feature, and FMID information was last retrieved for the software instance. This attribute is blank if this information has not been retrieved.
Date and time in ISO 8601 format that the software instance was last modified.
User ID of the user who last modified the software instance.
Date and time in ISO 8601 format that the software instance was created.
User ID of the user who created the software instance.
Date and time in ISO 8601 format that the software instance was locked. This attribute is null if the software instance is not currently locked.
User ID of the user who locked the software instance. This attribute is null if the software instance is not currently locked.
Array that contains each non-SMP/E managed data set that is included in the software instance.
Name of the non-SMP/E managed data set.
Volume on which the non-SMP/E managed data set resides.
Array that contains each product that is included in the software instance.
Name of the product. If any FMIDs are not related to a product and feature, those FMIDs are listed under a product named No Product.
Identifier of the product.
Version, release, and modification level of the product. The value has the format VV.RR.MM, where VV is the two-digit version, RR is the two-digit release, and MM is the two-digit modification level.
Name of the vendor that provides the product.
Date this level of the product is available to all users.
Last date on which the vendor will deliver standard support services for this level of the product. This date is the general end of service date. It does not account for lifecycle extensions.
URL that links to additional information about the product. This information can include, for example, product life cycle dates, product highlights, planning information, and technical descriptions.
Version of the most recent product information file that was retrieved that contains the corresponding product. The version represents the date that file was created or last updated.
Array that contains each feature that is included in the product.
Name of the feature. If any FMIDs are not related to a product and feature, those FMIDs are listed under a feature named No Feature.
Array that contains each FMID that is included in the feature.
Name of the FMID.
Description of the FMID.
Name of the target zones where the FMID is installed.


In the following example, the GET method is used to retrieve the properties of software instance DB2V9 on system PEV174.
Figure 1. Sample request to retrieve the properties of a software instance
GET /zosmf/swmgmt/swi/PEV174/DB2V9 HTTP/1.1
A sample response is shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Sample response from a request to retrieve the properties of a software instance
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 05:39:28 +0000GMT
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Language: en
Connection: close

"name":"DB2V9", "system":"PEV174", "description":null,
"globalzone":"DB2.GLOBAL.CSI", "targetzones":["DB2TGT"], "categories":null,
"productinforetrieved":"2014-08-20T19:23:25+00:00", "lastmodified":"2014-08-
20T19:23:25+00:00", "modifiedby":"FRED", "created":"2014-08-20T19:23:25+00:00",
"createdby":"BARNEY", "locked":null, "lockedby":null, "datasets":
[{"dsname":"USER.DB2V9.PROCLIB", "volume": "LV1234"},
{"dsname":"USER.DB2V9.SAMPLES", "volume":"LV1234"}], "products":
[{"prodname":"DB2 for z/OS", "prodid":"5635-DB2", "release":"09.01.00",
"vendor":"IBM", "generalavailability":"20006-06-09T19:23:25+00:00",
"endofservice":"2014-06-27T19:23:25+00:00", "url":null,
"productinfofileversion":"2014-01-01", "features":[{"feature":"DB2 Base",
"fmids":[{"fmid":"HDB9910", "description":"DB2 BASE/TSO", "targetzones":