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z/OSMF system variable services

The z/OSMF system variable services are an application programming interface (API), which is implemented through industry standard Representational State Transfer (REST) services. These services allow the caller to create and manage z/OSMF system variables.

Table 1 lists the operations that the system variable services provide.
Table 1. z/OSMF system variable services: operations summary
Operation name HTTP method and URI path
Create or update system variables
POST /zosmf/variables/rest/<version>/systems/<sysplex-name>.<system-name>
Get system variables
GET /zosmf/variables/rest/<version>/systems/<sysplex-name>.<system-name>
Import system variables
POST /zosmf/variables/rest/<version>/systems/<sysplex-name>.<system-name>/actions/import
Export system variables
POST /zosmf/variables/rest/<version>/systems/<sysplex-name>.<system-name>/actions/export
Delete system variables
DELETE /zosmf/variables/rest/<version>/systems/<sysplex-name>.<system-name>
Table 2 describes the variables that can be specified in the system variable services URI paths.
Table 2. z/OSMF system variable services: URI path variables
URI path variable Description
<version> The version of the system variable services API. The following value is valid: 1.0.
<sysplex-name> The name of the sysplex.
<system-name> The name of the system.

Authorization requirements

Use of the system variable services API requires the client to be authenticated. For information about client authentication in z/OSMF, see Authenticating to z/OSMF.

Use of some of the console APIs requires READ access to the following resource profile in the ZMFAPLA class: ZOSMF.VARIABLES.SYSTEM.ADMIN. See the description of the individual APIs for details.

Error logging

Errors from the system variable services are logged in the z/OSMF log. You can use this information to diagnose the problem or provide it to IBM® Support, if required. For information about working with z/OSMF log files, see IBM z/OS Management Facility Configuration Guide.

HTTP status codes

The following HTTP status codes are valid:
The request succeeded.
HTTP 204 No content
The request was processed successfully; however, no content was returned. This status is normal for some types of requests, such as creating or updating system variables.
HTTP 400 Bad request
The request was missing required input, had errors in the provided input, included extraneous input, or cannot be otherwise served. Additional information regarding the error is provided in an error response body that includes a reason code with additional information. Do not repeat the request without first correcting it.
HTTP 401 Unauthorized
The request cannot be processed because the client is not authorized. This status is returned if the request contained an incorrect user ID or password, or both. Or, the client did not authenticate to z/OSMF by using a valid WWW-Authenticate header.
HTTP 404 Not found
The requested resource does not exist.
HTTP 500 Server error
A server error occurred during processing of the request.
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