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Modify a software services template

You can use this operation to modify fields in a software services template in the catalog.

HTTP method and URI path

POST /zosmf/provisioning/rest/<version>/scc/<object-id>
In this request
Identifies the software services template to be modified.
Is the URI path variable <version> that identifies the version of the z/OSMF software services template service. The following value is valid: 1.0.

Query parameters



This operation modifies fields in a software services template in the catalog, based on the properties that are specified in the request body (a JSON object). For the properties that you can specify, see Request content.

On successful completion, HTTP status code 204 (Normal) is returned, indicating that the request resulted in a modified software services template.

The software services template must be in one of the draft states.

Modifying any of the definition files causes all approvals to be reset.

Request content

The request content is expected to contain a JSON object that describes the fields to be modified. See Request content for the software services template request.

Table 1. Request content for the software services template request
Field name Type Required or optional Description
action-definition-file String Optional Location of the action definition file, a file in XML format that defines the actions for the software services instance provisioned from the template. Specify the fully qualified z/OS UNIX path of the file, beginning with the forward slash (/) and including the file name. For example, specify /usr/lpp/zosmf/v2r1/samples/actions.xml.
description String Optional Description of the software services template.
workflow-definition-file String Optional Location of the workflow definition file, the primary XML file that defines the workflow.

Specify the fully qualified z/OS UNIX path of the file, beginning with the forward slash (/) and including the file name. For example, specify /usr/lpp/zosmf//v2r1/samples/workflow_sample_automation.xml.

workflow-variable-input-file String Optional Location of the workflow variable input file, an optional properties file used to specify in advance the values for one or more of the variables that are defined in the workflow definition file.

Specify the fully qualified z/OS UNIX path of the file, beginning with the forward slash (/) and including the file name.

workflow-clean-after-provisioned Boolean Optional Indicates if a workflow that performs provisioning should be automatically deleted after it completes successfully. The value is true to delete, false to keep. The default value, if none is specified, is false, which keeps the workflow.
consumer-documentation-file String Optional Location of a file that provides information for consumers about the template. Specify the fully qualified z/OS UNIX path of the file, beginning with the forward slash (/) and including the file name.
consumer-documentation-type String Optional Type of the consumer documentation file, either text or pdf. This is required if consumer-documentation-file is specified with a value that is not null.
admin-documentation-file String Optional Location of a file that provides information for administrators about the template. Specify the fully qualified z/OS UNIX path of the file, beginning with the forward slash (/) and including the file name.
admin-documentation-type String Optional Type of the administrator documentation file, either text or pdf. This is required if admin-documentation-file is specified with a value that is not null.
approvals Array of strings Optional General approvals that are associated with the template. Each string represents the user ID of a general approval. If the array contains a user ID for a general approval that already exists for the template, the status and all of the corresponding information for that user ID is maintained for the template. If the array does not contain a user ID for a general approval that already exists for the template, that user ID is removed from the general approval list for the template. An empty array removes any existing general approvals from the template. A null value for approvals results in no changes.

Authorization requirements

The user's z/OS user ID must be defined as a landlord and a domain administrator.

The user’s z/OS user ID must have READ access to the following resource profile in the ZMFAPLA class: <SAF-prefix>.ZOSMF.PROVISIONING.SOFTWARE_SERVICES.

For more information, see Authorization requirements.

HTTP status codes

On successful completion, HTTP status code 204 (Normal) is returned.

Example HTTP interaction

Figure 1 shows a request to modify a software services template.
Figure 1. Sample request to modify a software services template

"action-definition-file": "/Users/gg/zosmf/user-workflows/factory/mq/qmgr/qmgrActionsUpdate.xml"


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