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Get a software services template

Use this operation to retrieve a software services template from the catalog.

HTTP method and URI path

GET /zosmf/provisioning/rest/<version>/scc/<object-id>
In this request:
Is the URI path variable that identifies the version of the z/OSMF software services template service. The following value is valid: 1.0.
Identifies the software services template to retrieve.

Query parameters



This operation retrieves a software services template from the catalog.

On successful completion, the operation returns HTTP status code 200 (OK), indicating that the request resulted in a software services template being retrieved. A response body is provided, as described in Response content

Request content


Authorization requirements

The user's z/OS user ID must be defined as a landlord, domain administrator, domain approver, or template approver.

The user’s z/OS user ID must have READ access to the following resource profile in the ZMFAPLA class: <SAF-prefix>.ZOSMF.PROVISIONING.SOFTWARE_SERVICES.

See Authorization requirements.

HTTP status codes

On successful completion, HTTP status code 200 (OK) is returned.

Response content

On successful completion, the service returns a response body, which contains a JSON object with details about the software services template. Table 1 lists the fields in the JSON object.

Table 1. Response from a get software services template request
Field Type Description
base-object-id String The object ID that is associated with all of the versions of the software services template.
generated-name String Generated name for the software services template.
name String The name associated with the software services template.
version String Version of the software services template.
owner String User ID of the software services template owner.
state String Indicates the status of the software services template. See State values
description String Description of the software services template.
tenants Array of Strings Each string represents a tenant that the template is associated with.
domain-name String The domain the template is associated with.
approvals Array of objects Array of Approval-Object containing information about the approvals associated with this software services template. See Table 2.
action-definition-file String Location of the action definition file.
action-definition-file-original-source String Original user specified location of the action definition file
action-definition-file-original-timestamp String Last-modified time stamp for when the original action definition file source was specified, in ISO 8601 format.
actions Array of objects Array of Action-Object containing information about the actions associated with the template. See Table 3.
software-id String A short, arbitrary, value that identifies the software that is being provisioned.
software-name String Name of the software that is being provisioned.
software-type String Type of software that is being provisioned.
software-version String Version of the software that is being provisioned.
workflow-definition-file String Location of the workflow definition file, the primary XML file that defines the workflow
workflow-definition-file-original-source String Original user-specified location of the workflow definition file.
workflow-definition-file-original-timestamp String The last-modified time stamp for when the original workflow definition file source was specified, in ISO 8601 format.
workflow-id String A short, arbitrary value that identifies the workflow.
workflow-vendor String Name of the vendor that provided the workflow definition file.
workflow-version String Version of the workflow definition file.
workflow-variable-input-file String Location of the workflow variable input file, an optional properties file used to specify in advance the values for one or more of the variables that are defined in the workflow definition file.
workflow-variable-input-file-original-source String The original user-specified location of the workflow variable input file.
workflow-variable-input-file-original-timestamp String The last-modified time stamp for when the original variable input file source was specified, in ISO 8601 format.
workflow-clean-after-provisioned Boolean Indicates if a workflow that performs provisioning should be automatically deleted after it completes successfully. The value is true to delete, false to keep. The default value, if none is specified, is false, which keeps the workflow.
prompt-variables Array of objects Array of prompt variable objects containing information about the variables that are expected to be prompted for in preparation for running the software services template. See Table 5.
at-create-variables Array of strings Array of strings that name the variables that are either prompt variables (variables that are expected to be prompted for in preparation for running the software services template), or required variables (variables for which a value is required when the software services template is run), or both.
consumer-documentation-file String Location of the original file that provides information for consumers about the template.
consumer-documentation-type String Type of the consumer documentation file, either text or pdf. This is required if consumer-documentation-file is specified.
admin-documentation-file String Location of a file that provides information for administrators about the template.
admin-documentation-type String Type of the administrator documentation file, either text or pdf. This is required if admin-documentation-file is specified.
create-time String Time that this object was created, in ISO 8601 format.
create-by-user String User who created this object.
last-modified-time String The last time this object was updated, in ISO 8601 format.
last-modified-by-user String User who last updated this object.

State values

The entry is hidden from consumers. You can make it available again with the Publish action.
The contents of the software services template are missing or incorrect. Delete the template.
The entry is in the edit state and visible only to the owner and the administrator. No approvals are required for this template. The entry can be tested with the Test a software services template API.
The software services template is in edit state and all the approvals that are associated with the template and the respective runAs user IDs have been received. The entry can be tested with the Test a software services template API.
The software services template is in edit state and one or more associated approvals has not been approved. The entry cannot be tested (with the Test a software services template API) in this state.
One or more of the definition files contains a runAsUser element without a corresponding approver element. Either an approver element must be added for the runAsUser element, or a domain or general approver must be added for the software services template. The entry cannot be tested (with the Test a software services template API) in this state.
Permission to access the software services template is being processed. No API requests are allowed for the software services template until the security processing is complete.
The entry is locked and visible to consumers.
Security access setup related to the software services template failed. Only the view and delete API requests a available.
Table 2. Response from a get request: Approval-Object
Field Type Description
status String Status of the approval for this object: pending, approved, or rejected.
comment String Comment associated with the change in status from pending to either approved or rejected.
description String Additional detail that is provided if the approval is for a workflow definition that is associated with the action definition, for example, This workflow definition is associated with the <action-name> action.
user-ids Array of strings Each string in the array is a user ID that can approve the template, workflow step, or action. Any one of the user IDs in the array can approve or reject. The last action takes precedence.
status-update-by String User ID that performed the last approve or reject action for this approval object.
time-of-update String The last time this object was updated, in ISO 8601 format.
run-as-user String The runAsUser user ID that the approval object is for. Only applicable when the type is action_definition or step_definition.
type String Type of approval object: general, domain, action_definition, or step_definition.
object-id String Unique object ID representing this approval object.
workflow-file String Workflow file definition associated with this runAsUser user ID.
variable-input-file String Variable input file associated with this runAsUser user ID.
step-name String Workflow file definition step associated with this runAsUser user ID.
called-by-step-name String Step in the parent workflow definition that called the workflow definition file that generated the approval object. Used if the definition file that generated the approval object is a callable workflow.
called-by-workflow-file String Workflow definition that called the workflow definition file that generated the approval object. Used if the definition file that generated the approval object is a callable workflow.
actions-file String Actions file definition associated with this runAsUser user ID.
action-name String Action that is defined in the actions file associated with this runAsUser user ID.
Table 3. Response from a get request: Action-Object
Field Type
name String
type String
is-deprovision String. The value must be either true or false.
command String
command-run-as-user String
command-sol-key String
command-unsol-key String
command-detect-time String
workflow-definition-file String
workflow-variable-input-file String
workflow-variables Variable[]
instructions String
prompt-variables The prompt variable objects that are associated with the action.
Table 4. Response from a get request: Variable-Object
Field Type
name String
value String
visibility: public or private String
Table 5. Response from a get request: Prompt-Variable-Object
Field Type Description
name String Name of the property.
value String Current value for the property.
required boolean Indicates whether the variable value is required during the workflow create process.
label String Short label for the UI widget.
description String Explanation of what the variable is used for and perhaps what the syntactic requirements are.
abstract String Brief description of the variable for the UI widget.
type String Type of the variable element: boolean, string, integer, decimal, time, date.
must-be-choice boolean Indicates whether the value must come from the provided choices.
choices Array of Strings Contains allowable choices for the value of the variable.
regex String Standard regular expression that constrains the variable value.
multi-line boolean Indicates whether the value requires a multi-line text box.
min String For a string type, indicates the minimum string length of the value. For all other types, indicates the minimum value required.
max String For a string type, indicates the maximum string length of the value. For all other types, indicates the maximum value required.
places String Maximum number of decimal places that can be specified for a variable of type decimal.
error-message String Default error message associated with an incorrect value.

Fields of type String default to null.

Example HTTP interaction

In Figure 1, a request is submitted to retrieve a software services template.
Figure 1. Sample request to retrieve a software services template
GET https://localhost:4444/zosmf/provisioning/rest/1.0/scc/5ccbad22-94fd-4b31-bb2b-95aa8602cc48

The following is the response body for the example GET request.

  "name": "mqCBA",
  "version": "1",
  "owner": "domadmin",
  "state": "published",
  "description": "This workflow provisions an MQ for z/OS Queue Manager",
  "tenants": [...],
  "actions": [...],
  "approvals": [],
  "tested": false,
  "generated-name": "mqCBA.1.default",
  "domain-name": "default",
  "action-definition-file": "definition/qmgrActions.xml",
  "action-definition-file-original-source": "/users/gg/mqCBA/definition/qmgrActions.xml",
  "action-definition-file-original-timestamp": "2016-11-18T20:00:42Z",
  "software-id": "5655-W97",
  "software-name": "IBM MQ for z/OS",
  "software-type": "QMgr",
  "software-version": "V8.0.0",
  "workflow-definition-file": "definition/provision.xml",
  "workflow-definition-file-original-source": "/users/gg/mqCBA/definition/provision.xml",
  "workflow-definition-file-original-timestamp": "2016-11-18T20:03:47Z",
  "workflow-id": "ProvisionQueueManager",
  "workflow-vendor": "IBM",
  "workflow-version": "1.0.1",
  "workflow-variable-input-file": "definition/",
  "workflow-variable-input-file-original-source": "/users/gg/mqCBA/definition/",
  "workflow-variable-input-file-original-timestamp": "2016-11-18T20:00:42Z",
  "prompt-variables": [],
  "at-create-variables": [],
  "workflow-clean-after-provisioned": true,
  "security-wf-info": null,
  "create-time": "2016-11-18T20:00:43.504Z",
  "created-by-user": "domadmin",
  "last-modified-by-user": "domadmin",
  "last-modified-time": "2016-11-18T20:04:50.913Z",
  "admin-documentation-file-original-source": "/users/gg/mqCBA/documentation/admin-mqaas_readme.pdf",
  "admin-documentation-type": "pdf",
  "consumer-documentation-type": "text",
  "base-object-id": "c0e4d08f-f046-4a79-8a15-6981743d07ed",
  "admin-documentation-mime-type": "application/pdf",
  "consumer-documentation-mime-type": "text/plain"

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