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Get the response for an action performed against a software services instance

You can use this operation to retrieve information about the response for an action that was performed against a software services instance.

HTTP method and URI path

GET /zosmf/provisioning/rest/<version>/scr/<object-id>/actions/<action-id>
In this request, the URI path variables are described, as follows:
  • <version> identifies the version of the provisioning service. The following value is valid: 1.0.
  • <object-id> identifies the software services instance to be retrieved.
  • <action-id> identifies the actions object to be retrieved.

Query parameters



This operation retrieves an action object that describes the response for an action that was performed against a software services instance.

On successful completion, HTTP status code 200 (OK) is returned and the response body is provided, as described in Table 2.

Authorization requirements

The user’s z/OS user ID must have READ access to the following resource profile in the ZMFAPLA class: <SAF-prefix>.ZOSMF.PROVISIONING.SOFTWARE_SERVICES.

For catalog registry type objects, the user issuing the request must be at least one of the following:
  • The owner of the software services instance
  • A member of the tenant of the software services instance
  • A domain administrator of the software services instance.

For more information, see Authorization requirements.

HTTP status codes

On successful completion, HTTP status code 200 (OK) is returned and the response body is provided, as described in Table 2.

Otherwise, the following HTTP status codes are returned for the indicated errors. The response body is a standard error response body that provides the reason code that is indicated and associated error message.

Table 1. HTTP error response codes for a get software services instance contents request
HTTP error status code Description
HTTP 401 Unauthorized The requester user ID is not authorized for this request.
HTTP 404 Not found The specified software services instance was not found; the software services instance does not exist.

Response content

On successful completion, the response body is a JSON object that contains the retrieved data. Table 2 lists the fields in the JSON object.

Table 2. JSON object that is returned for a get actions request
Field Type Description
action-id String The action ID for the action object.
name String The name for the action.
type String Type of the action.
is-deprovision String must be:
  • true
  • false
If true, the action is a deprovision action. Otherwise, the action is not a deprovision action.
state String must be:
  • in-progress
  • submitted
  • responded
  • warning
  • complete
  • failed

The current state of the action. The values submitted, responded, and warning are valid only for command type actions.

For the command action state of warning, see the command-response, command-sol-key-hit, and command-detection-status fields. Either no response was received, the command-sol-key-hit is false, or the command-detection-status is expired.

ran-at-time String The time the do action operation was done to create the action, in ISO8601 format
ran-by-user String The user ID that ran the do action operation that created the action
instructions String The instructions associated with the action, or null if no instructions are associated
command String The command associated with the action, or null if no command is associated
command-response String The solicited messages response from the command.
command-sol-key-hit String: null, true, or false If the command-sol-key was specified, indicates whether the command-sol-key was found in the solicited message response. If the command-sol-key-hit is false then the action state is set to warning.
command-detection-message String If the command-unsol-key was specified and it was found in the unsolicited messages from the command, the message containing the command-unsol-key.
command-detection-status String: null, waiting, expired, or detected If the command-unsol-key was specified, this is the status of whether the command-unsol-key was found in the unsolicited messages. If the command-detection-status is expired then the action state is set to warning.
workflow-key String The workflow key of the workflow associated with the action, or null if no workflow is associated
workflow-current-step-name String The current workflow step name of the workflow associated with the action, or null
workflow-message-id String The workflow message ID for the workflow associated with the action, or null
workflow-message-text String The workflow message text for the workflow associated with the action, or null
workflow-name String The workflow name for the workflow associated with the action, or null
workflow-status-name String The workflow status name for the workflow associated with the action, or null.

If a failure occurs, the response body contains a JSON object with a description of the error.

Table 3. Response from a request failure
Field Type Description
httpStatus Integer HTTP status code.
requestMethod String HTTP request method.
requestUri String HTTP request URI.
messageID String Message identifier for the error.
messageText String Message text describing the error.
additionalInfo String Additional information describing the error.
debug String Debug information about for the error.

Example HTTP interaction

In the following example, the GET method is used to retrieve the response for an action that was performed for a software services instance.

Figure 1. Sample request to get software services instance actions
GET /zosmf/provisioning/rest/1.0/scr/b0d1806f-7d42-4b8d-ad4b-8b8747642cc3/actions/f5c4df98-f9fd-4fca-b1a5-e0d1b7d1f0d9

The following is an example of the response.

Figure 2. Sample response for performed actions
   "instructions":"These are the instructions for the Instruction1 action.",

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