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Create a software services instance

You can use this operation to create a software services instance in the registry.

HTTP method and URI path

POST /zosmf/provisioning/rest/<version>/scr

In this request, the URI path variable <version> identifies the version of the z/OSMF software services instance service. The following value is valid: 1.0.

Query parameters



This operation creates a software services instance in the registry, based on the properties that are specified in the request body (a JSON object). For the properties that you can specify, see Request content.

On successful completion, HTTP status code 201 (Created) is returned, indicating that the request resulted in the creation of a new software services instance. The URI path for the software object is provided in the Location response header and a response body is provided, as described in Response content.

Request content

The request content is expected to contain a JSON object. Table 1 lists the fields in the JSON object.
Table 1. Request content for the create software services instance request
Field name Type Required or optional Description
type String Required Type of the software. Up to 8 characters.
registry-type String Required The type of software registry object: catalog or general. An object with registry-type catalog is created from a software services template in the software services catalog. When the registry type is catalog, a catalog object ID and catalog name are also required.
state String Required The current state of the software:
  • being-initialized
  • being-provisioned
  • provisioned
  • being-deprovisioned
  • deprovisioned
  • provisioning-failed
  • deprovisioning-failed
catalog-object-id String Required when registry-type is catalog The identifier of the software services template to be used to create the software services instance.
catalog-object-name String Required when registry-type is catalog The name of the software services template to be used to create the software services instance.
external-name String Optional The external name to identify the software registry object. If the external name is not provided then it is set from object-name in the response body. Up to 34 characters.
system-nickname String Required when registry-type is catalog The name of the system entry in the system entry table of the software.
system String Optional System on which the software is provisioned. Up to 8 characters.
sysplex String Optional Sysplex on which the software is provisioned. Up to 8 characters.
vendor String Optional Vendor of the software. Up to 24 characters.
version String Optional Version of the software. Up to 24 characters.
description String Optional Description for the software. Up to 256 characters.
owner String Optional The user ID that identifies the owner of the software registry object. Up to 8 characters.
provider String Optional The user ID that identifies the provider of the software, . Up to 8 characters. This is the owner of the software catalog object.
quality-attributes String Optional The quality attributes associated with the software. Up to 16 characters.
workflow-key String Optional The workflow key associated with provisioning the software. This field is not valid when the value for registry-type is general.
workflow-clean-after-provisioned String Optional The indication of whether the workflow instance used to provision this instance will be removed after the workflow is completed. Must be true or false. This field is not valid when the value for registry-type is general.
actions Action[] Optional The actions for the software. See Table 2.
variables Variable[] Optional The variables for the software. See Table 3.
user-data-id String Optional The user data ID.
user-data String Optional The user data.
domain-id String See description. The domain ID. This field is not valid when the value for registry-type is general. It is required when the value for registry-type is catalog.
tenant-id String See description. The tenant ID. This field is not valid when the value for registry-type is general. It is required when the value for registry-type is catalog.
domain-name String See description. The name of the domain. This field is not valid when the value for registry-type is general. It is required when the value for registry-type is catalog.
tenant-name String See description. The name of the tenant. This field is not valid when the value for registry-type is general. It is required when the value for registry-type is catalog.
ssin String Optional Software service instance name, used in generating names for software services instances. This field is not valid when the value for registry-type is general.
Table 2. Action structure
Field Type Description
name String The name of the action. If the name of the action is deprovision, the action is for deprovisioning the software.

You can indicate that the action is for deprovisioning either by setting the is-deprovision field to true or by naming the action deprovision.

type String The type of the action.
The value must be one of the following:
  • command
  • workflow
  • instructions
is-deprovision String Indicates if the action deprovisions the software, as follows:
  • If true, the action deprovisions the software.
  • If false or not set, the action does not deprovision the software. This is overriden if the value of the name field is deprovision.
command String For command type actions, the command.
command-run-as-user String For command type actions, if provided, the user ID to be used when the command is run. This is not valid when the registry-type is general.
command-sol-key String For command type actions, if provided, the key to search for in the solicited messages command response.
command-unsol-key String For command type actions, if provided, the key to search for in the unsolicited messages.
command-detect-time String

For command type actions, if provided, the time in seconds to detect for the command-unsol-key in the unsolicited messages.

Also, the minimum time before a command response is checked for after the command is submitted for execution.

If not provided, the default command-detect-time is 15 seconds when the command-unsol-key is specified or 10 seconds when the command-unsol-key is not specified.

workflow-definition-file String For workflow type actions, the workflow definition file.
workflow-variable-input-file String For workflow type actions, if provided, the workflow variable input file.
workflow-variables Variable[] For workflow type actions, if provided, the workflow variables.
instructions String For instruction type actions, the instructions.
prompt-variables PromptVariable[] For workflow type actions, if provided, the prompt variables, which are the variables that will have their values prompted for at create time. See Table 4.
at-create-variables String[] For workflow type actions, if provided, the names of the at create variables, which are the only variables allowed on input-variables for the do action operation.
Table 3. Variable structure
Field Type
name String
value String
visibility String. The value must be public or private.
Table 4. Prompt variable structure
Field Type
name String
value String
abstract String
description String
error-message String
label String
max String
min String
milti-line Boolean
must-be-choice Boolean
choices String List
places String
regex String
required Boolean
type String

Authorization requirements

The user’s z/OS user ID must have READ access to the following resource profile in the ZMFAPLA class: <SAF-prefix>.ZOSMF.PROVISIONING.SOFTWARE_SERVICES.

For more information, see Authorization requirements.

HTTP status codes

On successful completion, HTTP status code 201 (Created) is returned and the response body is provided, as described in Response content.

Otherwise, the following HTTP status codes are returned for the indicated errors. The response body is a standard error response body that provides the reason code that is indicated and associated error message.

Table 5. HTTP error response codes for a create software services instance request
HTTP error status code Description
HTTP 400 Bad request The request contained incorrect parameters.
HTTP 401 Unauthorized The requester user ID is not authorized for this request.

Response content

On successful completion, the service returns the following:
  • URI path of the created software services instance in the Location response header.
  • Response body, which contains a JSON object with details about the software services instance. Table 6 lists the fields in the JSON object.
Table 6. Response from a create software services instance request
Field Type Description
object-id String The object ID of the newly created object. The object ID is to be used on further requests to the object.
object-uri String The object URI of the newly created object.
object-name String The object name of the newly created object.
If a failure occurs, the response body contains a JSON object with a description of the error.
Table 7. Response from a request failure
Field Type Description
httpStatus Integer HTTP status code.
requestMethod String HTTP request method.
requestUri String HTTP request URI.
messageID String Message identifier for the error.
messageText String Message text describing the error.
additionalInfo String Additional information describing the error.
debug String Debug information about for the error.

Example HTTP interaction

In Figure 1, a request is submitted to create a software services instance on the system SY1.
Figure 1. Sample request to create a software services instance
 "description":"DB2 for test1",
 "user-data":"my data",
         "value":"d a,l",
         "instructions":"These are the instructions for the ${IACTION_NAME} action."
         "instructions":"Do the deprovision manually."
The response is shown below.
"object-name": "DB2_1",
"object-id": "c7156cbf-e1ce-4f05-b7c7-96d73dfb94f9",
"object-uri": "/zosmf/provisioning/rest/1.0/scr/c7156cbf-e1ce-4f05-b7c7-96d73dfb94f9"

End of change