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Obtain a port

Use this operation to obtain a port from a resource pool that has a configured network resource pool.

HTTP method and URI path

POST /zosmf/resource-mgmt/rest/<version>/rdp/network/port/obtain
In this request:
Is the URI path variable that identifies the version of the z/OSMF service. The following value is valid: 1.0.

Query parameters



This operation obtains a port from a resource pool with a configured network resource pool.

On successful completion, HTTP status code 200 (OK) is returned, indicating that the request resulted in a port being obtained.

Request content

The request content is expected to contain a JSON object that describes the port to be obtained. See Table 1.

Table 1. Request content for the obtain port request
Field name Type Required or optional Description
template-uuid String Required Unique identifier for the template that is associated with the resource pool. Derived from a workflow internal variable, ${_workflow-templateID}.
template-name String Required Name of the template that is associated with the resource pool. Derived from a workflow internal variable, ${_workflow-templateName}.
tenant-id String Required ID of the tenant that is associated with the resource pool. Derived from a workflow internal variable, ${_workflow-tenantID}.
network-parms JSON object Required Network parameters for the request. See Table 2.
Table 2. Network parameters fields
Field Type Required or optional Description
name String Optional Name, used in a panel for the Configuration Assistant task. Derived from a workflow internal variable, ${_workflow-softwareServiceInstanceName}.
usage-type String Optional Used as a filter. If not specified, only network resource pools without a usage type match. If specified, must match the usage type in the network resource pool definition in the Configuration Assistant task.
port String Optional Request port number. If port is not specified, a port is provisioned from available port allocation ranges of the specified transport. If port is specified, it must fit within an available range. Available ranges are those which are associated with the targeted network resource pool and match the provided usage type.
job-name String Required Job name associated with the provisioned instance.
system-name String Optional System name. Derived from a workflow internal variable, ${_workflow-systemName}.
deployment-id String Optional Workflow-defined string token, used to group all provisioned resources with a server instance.
host-name String Optional Host-name for Configuration Assistant.

Authorization requirements

The user must be a consumer in the tenant, or a network administrator in the domain that the tenant is associated with.

For more information, see Authorization requirements.

HTTP status codes

On successful completion, HTTP status code 200 (OK) is returned, with a response body. See Response content.

Otherwise, the following HTTP status codes are returned for the indicated errors. The response body is a standard error response body that provides the reason code that is indicated and associated error message.

Table 3. HTTP error response codes for an obtain port request
HTTP error status code Description
HTTP 500 Internal server error The server encountered an error. See the response body for a JSON object with information about the error.

Response content

On successful completion, the service returns a response body, which contains a JSON object with details about the request. See Table 4.

Table 4. Response from an obtain port request
Field Type Description
id String Identifier of the port.
port String Port number.

Example HTTP interaction

In Figure 1, a request is submitted to obtain a port.
Figure 1. Sample request to obtain a port, with request body
POST https://localhost:4444/zosmf/resource-mgmt/rest/1.0/rdp/network/port/obtain

     "network-parms" : 

The following is the response body for the example obtain port request.


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