z/OSMF information retrieval service

The z/OSMF information retrieval service is an application programming interface (API), which is implemented through industry standard Representational State Transfer (REST) services. This service allows the caller to query the version and other details about the instance of z/OSMF running on a particular system.

z/OSMF information includes the following details:
  • SAF realm
  • z/OSMF listening port
  • z/OSMF version and release
  • Installed plug-ins and plug-in build levels
  • Indicates the z/OS operating system level.

With this information, a calling program can determine which z/OSMF plug-ins and API functions are available for use on a given system. For information, see Retrieve z/OSMF information.

Required authorizations


Error handling

For errors that occur during the processing of a request, the API returns an appropriate hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) status code to the calling client. An error is indicated by a 4nn code or a 5nn code. Some errors might also include a returned JSON object that contains a message that describes the error.

The following HTTP status codes are valid:
HTTP 400 Bad request
Request contained incorrect parameters.
HTTP 401 Unauthorized
Submitter of the request did not authenticate to z/OSMF or is not authorized to use the information retrieval service.
HTTP 500 Internal server error
Programming error.

Error logging

Errors from the information retrieval service are logged in the z/OSMF log. You can use this information to diagnose the problem or provide it to IBM® Support, if required.

For information about working with z/OSMF log files, see IBM z/OS Management Facility Configuration Guide.