713-rc,mod,jjj,sss, ddname[-#],dev,ser,dsname(member)


The error occurred during processing of an OPEN macro instruction for a data set on magnetic tape or on a direct access device.

In the message text:
Associates this message with system completion code 713 and with the return code.
The job name.
The step name.
DDname (followed by a concatenation number if it is part of a concatenation and not the first DD statement in concatenation).
The device number.
The volume serial number.
The name of the module in which the error occurred.
The data set name.
The explanation for the hex return code is as follows:
Return Code
A data set on magnetic tape was opened for INOUT, OUTIN, OUTPUT, OUTINX, or EXTEND, but the volume contained a data set whose expiration date had not been reached. The operator replied "M" to message IEC507D and a specific volume serial had been specified. Specify a different volume on the DD statement, or, in the case of INOUT only, open for input only by changing the OPEN macro instruction or by specifying input in the LABEL parameter of the DD statement.
An OPEN macro instruction was issued with INOUT for a data set on a direct access device with DISP=OLD specified on the DD statement. The expiration date on the data set had not been reached. The operator replied ‘M’ to message IEC507D. Specify a different volume on the DD statement, or open for input only by changing the OPEN macro instruction or by specifying input in the LABEL parameter of the DD statement. There is another possible meaning for return code 08: the volume serial number in the UCB is 000000. In this case, the system does not issue message IEC507D.
One of the following:
  • During OPEN processing, the system issued messages IEC704A with either L, L UVL, C, C UVL in the text and the operator replied M to the message, meaning reject VOL1 label rewrite. The system had to end the job step.
  • During OPEN processing, IEC704A was issued 10 times because of a not valid reply or repeated IO errors during the VOL1 rewrite.
A data set on magnetic tape was opened for OUTPUT or OUTIN. The volume is mounted on a cartridge stack loader and is file-protected. The operator replied U to message IEC510D and specified a volume serial number. Specify a different volume on the DD statement.
For a specific private tape in the Automated Tape Library (ALT), either:
  • message IEC534D was issued and the reply was ‘M’ to mount another volume, or
  • an existing data set with an unexpired date was detected, and either message IEC507D was issued with reply ‘M’ or the File Validation Tape Installation Exit recieved control and returned a RC08 to reject the volume.
In an ATL, all volume serial numbers must be unique. There can not be any volume substitution for specifically requested volumes.

System action

The task is ended unless the error is to be ignored as specified in the DCB ABEND exit routine.

Operator response

Start a generalized trace facility (GTF) trace, and re-create the problem. Reply to message AHL100A with:
On the DD statement for the data set in error, specify:

System programmer response

If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM® Support Center. Provide the SYSOUT output for the job.

Programmer response

Probable user error unless the volser in the UCB is 000000. If the volser is 000000, it is probably a system error and the system programmer should be contacted. Otherwise, correct the errors causing abnormal end as indicated by the return code in the message text. Rerun the job.





Routing code


Descriptor code