VLF Statistics Section

This section is present for record subtype 3 only.

Offsets Name Length Format Description
0 0 SMF41CLS 8 EBCDIC Class name.
8 8 SMF41MVT 4 binary MAXVIRT specified, in 4K blocks. MAXVIRT is a VLF parameter specified in the COFVLFxx parmlib member.
12 C SMF41USD 4 binary Amount of virtual storage currently being used, in 4K blocks.
16 10 SMF41SRC 4 binary Number of times the cache was searched in this interval.
20 14 SMF41FND 4 binary Number of objects found in the cache in this interval.
24 18 SMF41ADD 4 binary Number of objects added to the cache in this interval.
28 1C SMF41DEL 4 binary Number of objects deleted from the cache in this interval.
32 20 SMF41TRM 4 binary Number of objects trimmed from the cache in this interval.
36 24 SMF41LRG 4 binary Largest object attempted to put in the cache.