Transaction Programs (TPs)

To SMF, a TP scheduled by the APPC/MVS transaction scheduler (ASCH) is a separate address space (like a batch job or TSO/E user). APPC/MVS and ASCH each run in their own system address spaces.

The requested TP can run on either the same system as the request or on another system elsewhere in the network. SMF reports on whatever part of the function actually runs on the current MVS™ system. If an APPC/MVS-scheduled job requires resources from other systems, then you must correlate the accounting data for each participating system.

In contrast, if a TSO/E user requests a TP that runs on the same MVS system, then SMF reports on both ends of the conversation.

There are two kinds of scheduling available for APPC/MVS TPs: standard and multi-trans. And, as an alternative to scheduling, APPC/MVS also allows inbound conversation requests to be routed directly to an APPC/MVS server (thus bypassing a transaction scheduler). TPs that are processed by APPC/MVS servers are sometimes called served TPs.

This topic shows how SMF reports on each type of TP (standard, multi-trans, and served).