Subtype 53 — Linux_zECKDMetrics

Offsets Name Length Format Description
0 0 R10453MNAME 64 EBCDIC Name of measured element, extracted from the MeasuredElementName attribute of the CIM_BaseMetricValue instance.
64 40 R10453ADU 8 floating Percentage of time the device spent servicing transfers in relation to the time the device was active.


72 48 R10453CT 8 floating Average connect time in milliseconds per I/O request for this device.


80 50 R10453CUQT 8 floating Average control unit queue time in milliseconds per I/O request for this device.


88 58 R10453DT 8 floating Average disconnect time in milliseconds per I/O request for this device.


96 60 R10453IOI 8 floating Indicator for the device utilization. The value represents the product of the ResponseTime multiplied with the RequestRate.


104 68 R10453ICRT 8 floating Average initial command response time in milliseconds per I/O request for this device.


112 70 R10453PT 8 floating Average pending time in milliseconds per I/O request for this device.


120 78 R10453RR 8 floating Number of I/O requests per second for this device.


128 80 R10453RTM 8 floating Average response time in milliseconds per I/O request for this device.
