Subtype 31 — Linux_XenMetrics

Offsets Name Length Format Description
0 0 R10431MNAME 64 EBCDIC Name of measured element, extracted from the MeasuredElementName attribute of the CIM_BaseMetricValue instance.
64 40 R10431AVP 8 floating Number of active virtual processors for this domain.


72 48 R10431EVTCTP 8 floating Percentage of CPU resources used by this domain during the interval. If power management or hyper-threading are used, the content of this metric may be wrong. The metric is derived from TotalCPUTime and ActiveVirtualProcessors.


80 50 R10431HFPM 8 floating Host physical memory currently not claimed by any domain.


88 58 R10431HMP 8 floating Percentage of overall physical memory claimed by this domain.


96 60 R10431PMATVS 8 floating Memory currently claimed by this domain. Note that a domain may ask the hypervisor for more memory if under memory pressure.


104 68 R10431PMATVSP 8 floating Percentage of memory currently claimed by this domain in relation to the defined maximum.


112 70 R10431TMEVTCTP 8 floating Percentage of CPU resources used by this domain during the most recent 10 minute interval.


120 78 R10431TMTCT 8 floating CPU time spent for this domain during the most recent 10 minute interval.


128 80 R10431TCT 8 floating CPU time spent for this domain during the interval.
