Return codes

When the SMFWTM macro returns control, register 15 contains one of the following return codes.
Code dec(hex)
00 (00)
The record was written without error.
08 (08)
The record was not written because the length specified in the RDW was less than 18 bytes, or an SMF record exit changed the length in the RDW to be less than 18 bytes.
16 (10)
The record was not written because SMF is not active or has ended abnormally.
20 (14)
The record was not written because the installation-written IEFU83 exit routine suppressed the record.
24 (18)
The record was not written because the data was lost.
36 (24)
The record was not written because the record specified is not currently being recorded.
40 (28)
The record was not written because a buffer shortage problem caused the data to be lost.
44 (2C)
The record was not written because SMF could not establish recovery.
52 (34)
SMF cannot write this record because of an SMF record flooding filter.