Priority Table Entry Section

Offsets Name Length Format Description
0   SMF99_PTPRTY 2 binary Dispatching priority, after policy adjustment.
2 2 SMF99_PTNP 2 binary New dispatching priority, after unbunching.
4 4 SMF99_PTIMDP 4 binary Initial maximum percentage of processor demanded at priority, initial value before any priority moves.
8 8 SMF99_PTPMDP 4 binary Projected maximum percentage of processor demanded at priority.
12 C SMF99_PTCPUU 4 binary CPU using samples at priority found in the last 10 seconds.
16 10 SMF99_PTCPUD 4 binary CPU delay samples at priority found in the last 10 seconds.
20 14 SMF99_PTW2UR 4 binary Wait-to-using ratio at priority scaled by 16.
24 18 SMF99_PTAPU 4 binary Actual measured processor used at priority in unweighted CPU service units per second.
28 1C SMF99_PTPPU 4 binary Projected processor time to be used at priority in unweighted CPU service units per second.
32 20 SMF99_PTACMD 4 binary Achievable cumulative maximum demand percentage scaled by 10.
    * 4 binary Reserved.
40 28 SMF99_PTIMAXD 4 binary Initial cumulative maximum demand percentage scaled by 10.
44 2C SMF99_PTWMAXD 4 binary Projected cumulative maximum demand percentage scaled by 10.
48 30 SMF99_PTIAMTW 4 binary Initial average mean time to wait in unweighted CPU service units per second scaled by 1000.
52 34 SMF99_PTWAMTW 4 binary Projected average mean time to wait in unweighted CPU service units per second scaled by 1000.
56 38 SMF99_PTSCPUU 4 binary Sample based CPU using samples at priority.
60 3C SMF99_PTSCPUD 4 binary Sample based CPU delay samples at priority.