Period Data Section

Offsets Name Length Format Description
0   SMF99_PCNM 8 EBCDIC Service class name associated with the service class period.
8 8 SMF99_PNUM 2 binary Period number.
10 A SMF99_PGOALTYP 1 binary Goal type
System component address space, SYSSTC, or server goal
Short response time (less than or equal to 20 seconds).
Long response time (greater than 20 seconds).

If the goal type is a response time goal, you should check the response-time percentage field (SMF99_PRTP). If the field is zero, then the response time goal is an average response time type. If there is a percentage filled in, then the response time goal is a percentage response time type.

    * 1 binary Reserved.
12 C SMF99_PGOALVAL 4 binary Goal value: For a response time goal, this is in milliseconds. For a velocity goal, this is a number from 1 to 99. For a discretionary goal, this is zero.
16 10 SMF99_PIMPOR 2 binary Importance.
18 12 SMF99_PBDP 1 binary Base dispatching priority.
    * 1 binary Reserved.
20 14 SMF99_PMPLI 2 binary MPL in-target.
22 16 SMF99_PMPLO 2 binary MPL out-target.
24 18 SMF99_PAMTA 4 binary Average maximum MPL target achieved.
28 1C SMF99_PRUA 4 binary Average number of ready users.
32 20 SMF99_PLRUA 4 binary Long term ready user average scaled by 16.
36 24 SMF99_PPSPT 4 binary Length of time swapped address spaces are protected in processor storage in milliseconds.
40 28 SMF99_PPSITAR 4 binary Protective processor storage target for each address space in the period. This is valid only for periods with short response time goals. For all other work, it is zero.
44 2C SMF99_PESPOL 1 binary Expanded storage policy for demand pages.
least recently used (LRU)
space available

This is valid only for periods with short response time goals.

45 2D SMF99_PESVIO 1 binary Expanded storage policy for VIO pages.
least recently used (LRU)
space available
This is valid only for periods with short response time goals.
46 2E SMF99_PESHSP 1 binary Expanded storage policy for hiperspace pages.
least recently used (LRU)
space available

This is valid only for periods consisting of short response time goals.

47 2F SMF99_PESSWAP 1 binary Expanded storage policy for swap pages.
least recently used (LRU)
space available
48 30 SMF99_PPROT 2 binary Number of address spaces with demand pages protected in processor storage. This is valid for all periods except those with short response time goals.
50 32 SMF99_PLRU 2 binary Number of address spaces with demand pages subject to LRU expanded storage policy. This is valid for all periods except those with short response time goals.
52 34 SMF99_PSPAV 2 binary Number of address spaces with demand pages subject to space available expanded storage policy. This is valid for all periods except those with short response time goals.
54 36 SMF99_PVIOL 2 binary Number of address spaces with VIO pages subject to LRU expanded storage policy. This is valid for all periods except those with short response time goals.
56 38 SMF99_PVIOS 2 binary Number of address spaces with VIO pages subject to space available expanded storage policy. This is valid for all periods except those with short response time goals.
58 3A SMF99_PHSPL 2 binary Number of address spaces with hiperspace pages subject to LRU expanded storage policy. This is valid for all periods except those with short response time goals.
60 3C SMF99_PHSPS 2 binary Number of address spaces with hiperspace pages subject to space available expanded storage policy. This is valid for all periods except those with short response time goals.
62 3E SMF99_PESCS 2 binary Number of explicit storage critical classified address spaces.
64 40 SMF99_PLPI 4 binary Local performance index achieved scaled by 100.
68 44 SMF99_PSPI 4 binary Sysplex performance index achieved scaled by 100.
72 48 SMF99_PSERV 4 binary Service accumulated during policy adjustment interval in unweighted CPU service units.
76 4C SMF99_PMDP 4 binary Maximum percentage of processor time demanded.
80 50 SMF99_PLCPUU 4 binary CPU using samples during last policy adjustment interval.
84 54 SMF99_PLCPUD 4 binary CPU delay samples during last policy adjustment interval.
88 58 SMF99_PMTTWA 4 binary Mean time to wait adjusted by the maximum mean time to wait.
92 5C SMF99_PADP 4 binary Working variable for achievable demand percentage.
96 60 SMF99_PASERC 4 binary Average service accumulated over management window in unweighted CPU service units per second.
100 64 SMF99_PPRSER 4 binary Projected service in unweighted CPU service units per second.
104 68 SMF99_PIDLE 4 binary Idle samples. The samples are collected over an interval long enough to collect a representative number of samples.
108 6C SMF99_POTHR 4 binary Unknown state samples.
112 70 SMF99_PCPUU 4 binary CPU using samples. The samples are collected over an interval long enough to collect a representative number of samples.
116 74 SMF99_PCPUD 4 binary CPU delay samples. The samples are collected over an interval long enough to collect a representative number of samples.
120 78 SMF99_PAUXP 4 binary Primary private area paging from auxiliary storage delay samples. The samples are collected over an interval long enough to collect a representative number of samples.
124 7C SMF99_PAUXC 4 binary Common area paging from auxiliary storage delay samples. The samples are collected over an interval long enough to collect a representative number of samples.
128 80 SMF99_PVIO 4 binary VIO from auxiliary storage delay samples. The samples are collected over an interval long enough to collect a representative number of samples.
132 84 SMF99_PHSS 4 binary Scroll hiperspace from auxiliary storage delay samples. The samples are collected over an interval long enough to collect a representative number of samples.
136 88 SMF99_PHSC 4 binary Cache hiperspace from auxiliary storage delay samples. The samples are collected over an interval long enough to collect a representative number of samples.
140 8C SMF99_PASWP 4 binary Swap from auxiliary storage delay samples. The samples are collected over an interval long enough to collect a representative number of samples.
144 90 SMF99_PMPLD 4 binary MPL delay samples. The samples are collected over an interval long enough to collect a representative number of samples.
148 94 SMF99_PCAPD 4 binary CPU capping delay samples. The samples are collected over an interval long enough to collect a representative number of samples.
152 98 SMF99_PXMO 4 binary Other cross memory address spaces paging from auxiliary storage delay samples not included in the samples listed in subtype 2 cross memory data. The samples are collected over an interval long enough to collect a representative number of samples.
156 9C SMF99_PXMEM_OF 4 binary Offset to cross memory delay entries from beginning of record (including RDW).
160 A0 SMF99_PXMEM_LN 2 binary Length of each cross memory delay entry.
162 A2 SMF99_PXMEM_ON 2 binary Number of cross memory delay entries. There is one entry per address space responsible for cross memory delays.
164 A4 SMF99_PSERV_OF 4 binary Offset to server data entries from beginning of record (including RDW).
168 A8 SMF99_PSERV_LN 2 binary Length of each server data entry.
170 AA SMF99_PSERV_ON 2 binary Number of server data entries. There is one server data entry for each server service class, and one for each service class being served.
172 AC SMF99_PESP_OF 4 binary Offset to address space expanded storage policy section from beginning of record (including RDW).
176 B0 SMF99_PESP_LN 2 binary Length of each address space expanded storage policy entry.
178 B2 SMF99_PESP_ON 2 binary Number of address space expanded storage policy entries
180 B4 SMF99_PCDCLOCK 2 binary Policy adjustment count down clock. No policy action is taken until the clock is zero or less.
182 B6 SMF99_PNH 1 binary The performance period experienced processor access delay.
183 B7 SMF99_PRTP 1 binary Service class response time percentage. This field indicates whether the response time goal in SMF99_PGOALTYP is a percentage response time type. This field is zero when the response time goal in SMF99_PGOALTYP is an average response time.
184 B8 SMF99_PAUXS 4 binary Shared paging samples from Aux. The samples are collected over an interval long enough to collect a representative number of samples.
188 BC SMF99_PIOU 4 binary DASD I/O using samples. The samples are collected over an interval long enough to collect a representative number of samples.
192 C0 SMF99_PIOD 4 binary DASD I/O delay samples. The samples are collected over an interval long enough to collect a representative number of samples.
196 C4 SMF99_PIO_MDP 4 binary Maximum percentage of time a period could demand DASD I/O. The percentage is scaled by 10.
200 C8 SMF99_PIODP 1 binary I/O priority.
201 C9 SMF99_FLAGS 1 binary Flags.
Meaning when set
Period experienced some type of delay within the sysplex during last policy adjustment interval.
Period is CPU critical.
Period belongs to a service class that was assigned storage protection (storage critical) in the active service policy. The service class was used in subsystem type CICS® or IMS™ and the rule specified storage critical = yes. Also on for transaction server DISPs serving protected service classes.
Indicates that the period is non-z/OS (Linux).
Indicates that the period has an address space that is close to being blocked.
Period is managed by EWLM performance data.
Period belongs to a service class which was assigned to I/O priority group.
Start of change7End of change
Start of changeReserved.End of change
202 CA SMF99_Per_IO_Mgmt _Support_Data 2 binary I/O management support data.
204 CC SMF99_PDEVCL 4 binary Identifier of the device cluster associated with this period. This identifier can be used to associate the period with device cluster information in the subtype 4 record. This field will be zero if the period is not associated with a device cluster.
208 D0 SMF99_PSERVER_TYPE 4 binary Server type flags. All bits will be zero if the period is not a server. Flags indicate what type of server is associated with the record.
Meaning when set
Server is a transaction server
Server is an enclave server.
Server is a queue server
212 D4 SMF99_PSDATA_OF 4 binary Offset to server samples section from the beginning of the record (including RDW).
216 D8 SMF99_PSDATA_LN 2 binary Length of each server samples entry.
218 DA SMF99_PSDATA_ON 2 binary Number of server samples entries.
220 DC SMF99_PQDATA_OF 4 binary Offset to the queue server section from the beginning of the record (including RDW).
224 E0 SMF99_PQDATA_LN 2 binary Length of each queue server entry.
226 E2 SMF99_PQDATA_ON 2 binary Number of queue server entries.
228 E4 SMF99_PAVG_SIZE 4 binary Average size in processor storage (frame count) of the address spaces in the period.
232 E8 SMF99_PGRN 8 EBCDIC Group name, or blank if period doesn't belong to a group.
240 F0 SMF99_PSYS_CPUU 4 binary Sysplex wide CPU using samples.
244 F4 SMF99_PSYS_NONIDLE 4 binary Sysplex wide non-idle samples.
248 F8 SMF99_PSYS_IDLE 4 binary Sysplex wide idle samples.
252 FC SMF99_PSYS_OTHER 4 binary Sysplex wide other samples.
256 100 SMF99_IOSUBSAMOF 4 binary Offset to I/O subsystem samples data from beginning of record (including RDW).
260 104 SMF99_IOSUBSAMLN 2 binary Length of an I/O subsystem samples data section.
262 106 SMF99_IOSUBSAMON 2 binary Number of I/O subsystem samples data sections.
264 108 SMF99_SPMDP 4 binary Saved copy of maximum percentage of processor time demanded.
268 10C SMF99_AVG_NUM_TASKS 4 binary Average number of tasks.
272 110 SMF99_PBPD 4 binary Buffer pool delay samples
276 114 SMF99_SWCT 4 binary Short wait count accumulator.
280 118 * 2 EBCDIC Reserved.
282 11A SMF99_NUM_SAMP _HIST _ROWS_USED 2 binary Number of sample history rows used to build sample set.
284 11C SMF99_CADP 4 binary Current® achievable demand percentage.
288 120 SMF99_SBCPUU 4 binary Sample based CPU usings.
292 124 SMF99_SBCPUD 4 binary Sample based CPU delays.
296 128 SMF99_PSYS_IO_DLY 4 binary Sysplex wide I/O delay
300 12C SMF99_PSYS_NON_IO_DLY 4 binary Sysplex wide non-I/O delay
304 130 SMF99_PIFAU 4 binary IBM® zEnterprise® Application Assist Processor (zAAP) using samples
308 134 SMF99_PIFAD 4 binary zAAP delay samples
312 138 SMF99_PISERV 4 binary zAAP service accumulated during interval
316 13C SMF99_PIMDP 4 binary Maximum percentage of zAAP processor time demanded
320 140 SMF99_PIMTTWA 4 binary Mean time to wait adjusted (zAAP)
324 144 SFM99_PIADP 4 binary Working variable for acheivable demand percentage (zAAP)
328 148 SMF99_PIASERC 4 binary Average service consumed over window (zAAP)
332 14C SMF99_PIPRSER 4 binary Projected service (zAAP)
336 150 SMF99_ICADP 4 binary Current achievable demand percentage (zAAP)
340 154 SMF99_PIFAONCP 4 binary zAAP on CP using samples
344 158 SMF99_PLIFAU 4 binary zAAP using samples during last interval
348 15C SMF99_PLIFAD 4 binary zAAP delay samples during last interval
352 160 SMF99_PSUPU 4 binary SUP using samples
356 164 SMF99_PSUPD 4 binary SUP delay samples
360 168 SMF99_PSUPONCP 4 binary SUP_On_CP using samples
364 16C SMF99_PLSUPU 4 binary SUP using samples during last interval
368 170 SMF99_PLSUPD 4 binary SUP delay samples during last interval
372 174 SMF99_PSSERV 4 binary Accumulated SUP service
376 178 SMF99_Time_at_ PDP_Using 4 binary Time at PDP using samples during last interval
380 17C SMF99_Time_at_PDP 4 binary Time at PDP accumulator during last interval
384 180 SMF99_EWLM_LOCAL_PI 4 binary EWLM local PI
388 184 SMF99_EWLM_GLOBAL_PI 4 binary EWLM global PI
392 188 SMF99_PSMDP 4 binary Maximum percentage of IBM z Integrated Information Processor (zIIP) time demanded
396 18C SMF99_PSMTTWA 4 binary Mean time to wait adjusted (zIIP)
400 190 SFM99_PSADP 4 binary Working variable for achievable demand percentage (zIIP)
404 194 SMF99_PSASERC 4 binary Average service consumed over window (zIIP)
408 198 SMF99_PSPRSER 4 binary Projected service (zIIP)
412 19C SMF99_SCADP 4 binary Current achievable demand percentage (zIIP)
416 1A0 SMF99_HdLockPromotion _Time_at_PDP 4 binary HD lock time at PDP accumulator during last interval
420 1A4 SMF99_HdLock_Time_at _PDP_Using 4 binary HD lock time at PDP using samples during last interval
424 1A8 SMF99_PNS_PSERV 4 binary Service of enclave servers' non enclave work, which was accumulated during policy adjustment interval in unweighted CPU service units
428 1AC SMF99_PNS_IPSERV 4 binary IBM zEnterprise Application Assist Processor (zAAP) service of enclave servers' non enclave work, which was accumulated during policy adjustment interval in unweighted CPU service units
432 1B0 SMF99_PNS_SPSERV 4 binary SUP service of enclave servers' non enclave work, which was accumulated during policy adjustment interval in unweighted CPU service units