Operator Section

This section contains the actions performed by the operator for this address space during the period being reported.

Counts are increased by one when the mount is verified. If an incorrect volume is mounted, the count is not increased even though another mount message is issued.

Triplet Information

This section is located on the record using the following triplet fields, which are located in the ‘header/self-defining’ section:
SMF30OON - Reports the number of operator sections on the current record. Because only one operator section can appear on the record, this field is ‘1’ (if the section exists) or ‘0’ (if it doesn't).
Offsets Name Length Format Description
0 0 SMF30PDM 4 binary Number of non-specific DASD mounts.
4 4 SMF30PRD 4 binary Number of specific DASD mounts.
8 8 SMF30PTM 4 binary Number of non-specific tape mounts.
12 C SMF30TPR 4 binary Number of specific tape mounts.
16 10 SMF30MTM 4 binary Number of non-specific MSS mounts. As of MVS/SP4.1, this field is no longer valid, and contains zeroes.
20 14 SMF30MSR 4 binary Number of specific MSS mounts. As of MVS/SP4.1, this field is no longer valid, and contains zeroes.