Multisystem Enclave Remote System Data Section

This section contains remote system data for each system that executed work under a multisystem enclave.

Triplet Information

This section is located on the record using the following triplet fields, which are located in the ‘header/self-defining’ section:
Offsets Name Length Format Description
0 0 SMF30MRS 8 EBCDIC System name on which enclaves created by this address space executed.
8 8 SMF30MRA 4 binary CPU rate adjustment factor for the system named by SMF30MRS. This is the number of sixteenths of one microsecond of CPU time per CPU service unit.
12 C SMF30MRD 4 binary CPU time, in hundredths of a second, accumulated by dependent enclaves that executed on the system named by SMF30MRS.
16 10 SMF30MRI 4 binary CPU time, in hundredths of a second, accumulated by independent enclaves that executed on the system named by SMF30MRS.