Mapping multiple subtype 32 records

To map the WLM scheduling environment structure when there is more than one subtype 32 written (SMF9032N > 1), use the following procedure:
  1. Determine the storage required by multiplying 32K times the number of subtype 32 records.
    32K * SMF9032N
  2. Obtain a storage block equal to 32K * SMF9032N
  3. Read all (SMF9032N) subtype 32 records that have the same unique identifier (SMF9032I).
  4. Copy the first subtype 32 record (SMF9032S=1) beginning at SMF9032A for a length of SMF90DLN - LENGTH(SMF9032P) to the start of the obtained storage.
  5. Copy the next subtype 32 record (SMF9032S=2) beginning at SMF9032A for a length of SMF90DLN-LENGTH(SMF9032P) to the byte in the obtained storage immediately after the previous record.
  6. Repeat the previous step for each additional subtype 32 record.

When you have merged all the subtype 32 records, map the resulting data to the IWMSVPSE mapping macro.