Listening for the occurrence of accounting events

Using the ENFREQ macro, an authorized program can request notification when SMF accounting events occur. Event code 37 signals SMF accounting events. For more information about how to use the ENFREQ macro, see z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Guide. The macro that maps the parameter list for SMF events is IFAENF37; see z/OS® MVS™ Data Areas in .

The system signals the end of each SMF global recording interval. SMF, RMF™, and any other requestors listening for this event can schedule their own interval accounting function based on the end of this interval.

If the installation changes either the length value (using INTVAL) or the synchronization value (using SYNCVAL) for the SMF global recording interval, the system ends the interval, schedules a new interval based on that changed value. SMF, RMF, and any other requestors that are listening for either event can synchronize with this new interval.

The following table lists all of the SMF accounting events. Each event is identified by an ENFREQ qualifier:

ENFREQ Qualifier SMF Accounting Event Signalled Example Application
ENF37Q00 SMF completed initialization or reinitialization. Start collecting data to generate interval records.
ENF37Q01 SMF ended abnormally. Defer generating interval records until SMF is reinitialized. See ENFREQ qualifier ENF37Q00.
ENF37Q02 The global interval value (INTVAL option) has changed. The new value is passed as a parameter of the ENF signal. Make appropriate changes based on recalculated SMF global recording interval.
ENF37Q03 The global synchronization value (SYNCVAL option) has changed. The new value is passed as a parameter of the ENF signal. Make appropriate changes based on recalculated SMF global recording interval.
ENF37Q04 The SMF global recording interval ended. The interval end time is passed as a parameter of the ENF signal. Generate interval records when the SMF global recording interval ends.
Note: Use the interval end time on any record that a requestor generates as a result of this signal. Using this time allows for the exact merging of all such records.
ENF37Q05 An SMF global recording interval processing error (which also causes messages IEE500I and IEE068A) occurred. Stop listening for event code 37.