FCT Summary Entry

This section contains one for each FCT.

Offsets Name Length Format Description
0 0 R84FSNUM 4 binary FCT sequence number.
4 4 R84FSNAM 8 EBCDIC DSP name.
12 C R84DEV 8 EBCDIC Device.
20 14 R84FSPRT 2 binary FCT priority.
22 16   2   Reserved.
24 18 R84FCHN 4 binary Number of times this FCT appeared on FCT chain.
28 1C R84FSNUC 4 binary Number of times FCT in JES3 nucleus mode.
32 20 R84FSAUX 4 binary Number of times FCT in JES3 auxiliary mode.
36 24 R84FNPA 4 binary Number of times FCT was posted-active in the JES3 nucleus task.
40 28 R84FAPA 4 binary Number of times FCT was posted-active in the JES3 auxiliary task.
44 2C R84FNPNA 4 binary Number of times FCT was posted-not active in the JES3 nucleus task.
48 30 R84FAPNA 4 binary Number of times FCT was posted-not active in the JES3 auxiliary task.
52 34 R84FNNP 4 binary Number of times FCT was not posted in the JES3 nucleus task.
56 38 R84FANP 4 binary Number of times FCT was not posted in JES3 auxiliary task.
60 3C R84FNSOS 4 binary Number of times FCT was IN-OS-Wait in the JES3 nucleus task.
64 40 R84FASOS 4 binary Number of times FCT was IN-OS-WAIT in the JES3 auxiliary task.