FCT Entry

This section contains one for each FCT.

Offsets Name Length Format Description
0 0 R84FSEQN 2 binary FCT sequence number.
2 2   2   Reserved.
4 4 R84FNEXT 4 binary Length of next FCT entry.
8 8 R84FNAM 8 EBCDIC Name of the Dynamic Support Program (DSP) associated with the FCT.
16 10 R84FDEV 8 EBCDIC Name of the device associated with the FCT.
24 18 R84FPRTY 2 binary FCT priority.
26 1A R84FCXOF 2 binary Offset of FCT entry extension from the start of this FCT entry.
28 1C R84FFCT 4 binary Number of times this FCT found on FCT chain.
32 20 R84FNUC 4 binary Number of times this FCT in JES3 nucleus task.
36 24 R84FAUX 4 binary Number of times this FCT in JES3 auxiliary task.
40 28 R84FNFPA 4 binary Number of times FCT found to be the active JES3 FCT in nucleus task.
44 2C R84FNFNA 4 binary Number of times the FCT in nucleus task was dispatchable (posted) but not the active JES3 FCT.
48 30 R84FNFNP 4 binary Number of times in the nucleus task the FCT was found to be not the active JES3 FCT and not posted.
52 34 R84FNFW 4 binary Number of times in the nucleus task the FCT was IN-OS-WAIT condition.
56 38 R84FNFS 4 binary Number of times in the nucleus task the FCT was suspended because the local lock was unavailable.
60 3C R84FNFSO 4 binary Number of times in the nucleus task the FCT was suspended for any reason other than waiting for local lock.
64 40 R84FNENT 2 binary Total number of FCT AWAIT entries in the JES3 nucleus task.
66 42   2   Reserved.
68 44 R84FNOFF 4 binary Offset to the first AWAIT entry in the JES3 nucleus task.
72 48 R84FAFPA 4 binary Number of times FCT posted, active, in auxiliary task.
76 4C R84FAFNA 4 binary Number of times FCT posted, but not active, in auxiliary task.
80 50 R84FAFNP 4 binary Number of times FCT found to be not posted in auxiliary task.
84 54 R84FAFW 4 binary Number of times FCT was found IN-OS-WAIT condition in auxiliary task.
88 58 R84FAFS 4 binary Number of times FCT suspended in auxiliary task because local lock unavailable.
92 5C R84FAFSO 4 binary Number of times FCT suspended in auxiliary task for any reason other than waiting for local lock.
96 60 R84FAENT 2 binary Total number of FCT AWAIT entries in JES3 auxiliary task.
98 62   2   Reserved.
100 64 R84FAOFF 4 binary Offset of the first AWAIT entry in JES3 auxiliary task.