Device Cluster Priority Table Section

Offsets Name Length Format Description
0   SMF99_IPTPRTY 2 binary I/O priority.
2 2 SMF99_IPTNP 2 binary New I/O priority (zero if not changed)
4 4 SMF99_IPTIMDP 4 binary Initial maximum percentage of time that work at priority could demand I/O, initial value before any priority moves. Percentage scaled by 10.
8 8 SMF99_IPTPMDP 4 binary The projected maximum percentage of I/O time demanded at priority.
12 C SMF99_IPTW2UR 4 binary The ratio of I/O wait to I/O using time scaled by 16.
16 10 SMF99_IPTIMAXD 4 binary The initial cumulative maximum demand percentage scaled by 10.
20 14 SMF99_IPTWMAXD 4 binary The projected cumulative maximum demand percentage scaled by 10.