STOP command

Use the STOP command to stop system functions and jobs in execution. Note that you can communicate with the currently running program only if it was designed to recognize the STOP command. If the program does not recognize the STOP command, MVS™ issues message IEE342I STOP REJECTED--TASK BUSY.

Note to Programmers: For more information, see the topic on communicating with a program using EXTRACT and QEDIT in z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Guide.

The following figure lists tasks the STOP command can perform. Use it as an index to details about particular uses of the command.

Table 1. Summary of the STOP Command
Topic: Command:
Stopping a running program STOP jobname.identifier
Stopping an ASCH initiator STOP ASCHINT
Stopping the data lookaside facility (DLF) STOP DLF
Stopping the hardware instrumentation services (HIS) STOP hisproc
Stopping the Base Control Program internal interface (BCPii) address space STOP HWIBCPII
Stopping the library lookaside (LLA) address space STOP LLA
Stopping the Object Access Method (OAM) Address Space STOP OAM
Stopping a System Object Model (SOM) STOP SOM
Stopping a temporary file system (TFS) STOP TFS
Stopping the virtual lookaside facility (VLF) STOP VLF