Example of performing I/O while residing above 16 megabytes

Figure 1 shows a “before” and “after” situation that involves two functions, USER1 and USER2. In the BEFORE part of the example, USER1 contains both functions and resides below 16 megabytes. In the AFTER part of the example USER1 has moved above 16 megabytes. The portion of USER1 that requests data management services has been removed and remains below 16 megabytes.

Following the figure is a detailed coding example that shows both USER1 and USER2.
Figure 1. Performing I/O While Residing Above 16 Megabytes
USER1 application module:
*Module USER1 receives control in 31-bit addressing mode, resides in
*storage above 16 megabytes, and calls module USER2 to perform data
*management services.
*In this example, note that no linkage assist routine is needed.
*        Save the caller's registers in save area provided
#100     SAVE  (14,12)                 Save registers
         BASR  12,0                    Establish base
         USING *,12                    Addressability
Storage will be obtained via GETMAIN for USER2's work area (which will also contain the save area that module USER2 will store into as well as parameter areas in which information will be passed.) Since module USER2 must access data in the work area, the work area must be obtained below 16 megabytes.
          LA    0,WORKLNTH                  Length of the work area
*                                           required for USER2
#200     GETMAIN RU,LV=(0),LOC=BELOW        Obtain work area storage
         LR    6,1                          Save address of obtained
*                                           storage to be used for
*                                           a work area for module
*                                           USER2
         USING WORKAREA,6                   Work area addressability

The SAVE operation at statement #100 may save registers into a save area that exists in storage either below or above 16 megabytes. If the save area supplied by the caller of module USER1 is in storage below 16 megabytes, it is assumed that the high-order byte of register 13 is zero.

The GETMAIN at statement #200 must request storage below 16 megabytes for the following reasons:
  1. The area obtained via GETMAIN will contain the register save area in which module USER2 will save registers. Because module USER2 runs in 24-bit addressing mode, it must be able to access the save area.
  2. Because module USER2 will extract data from the work area to determine what function to perform, the area must be below 16 megabytes, otherwise, USER2 would be unable to access the parameter area.
         LA    0,GMLNTH                  Get dynamic storage for
*                                        module USER1 (USER1 resides
*                                        above 16 megabytes)
#300     GETMAIN RU,LV=(0),LOC=RES       Get storage above 16
*                                        megabytes
         LR    8,1                       Copy address of storage
*                                        obtained via GETMAIN
         USING DYNAREA,8                 Base register for dynamic
*                                        work area
#400     ST    13,SAVEBKWD               Save address of caller's
*                                        save area
         LR    9,13                      Save caller's save area
*                                        address
         LA    13,SAVEAREA               USER1's save area address
*                                        Note - save area is below
*                                        16 megabytes
         ST    13,8(9)                   Have caller's save area
*                                        point to my save area
         LOAD  EP=IOSERV                 Load address of data
*                                        management service
*                                        Entry point address
*                                        returned will be pointer-defined
         ST    0,EPA                     Save address of loaded
*                                        routine.

The GETMAIN at statement #300 requests that the storage to be obtained match the current residency mode of module USER1. Because the module resides above 16 megabytes, the storage obtained will be above 16 megabytes.

At statement #400, the address of the caller's save area is saved in storage below 16 megabytes.

Prepare to open input and output data base files:
         MVC   FUNCTION,OPEN1          Indicate open file 1
*                                      for input
         LA    1,COMMAREA              Set up register 1 to
*                                      point to the parameter
*                                      area
#500     L     15,EPA                  Get pointer-defined address
*                                      of the I/O service
*                                      routine
#600     BASSM 14,15                   Call the service routine
*                                      Note: AMODE will change
#650     MVC   FUNCTION,OPEN2          Indicate open file 2
*                                      for output
         LA    1,COMMAREA              Setup register 1 to
*                                      point to the parameter
*                                      area
#700     L     15,EPA                  Get pointer-defined address
*                                      of the I/O service
*                                      routine
         BASSM 14,15                   Call the service routine
*                                      Note: AMODE will change

The entry point address loaded at statements #500 and #700 is pointer-defined, as returned by the LOAD service routine. That is, the low-order three bytes of the symbolic field EPA will contain the virtual address of the loaded routine while the high order bit (bit 0) will be zero to indicate the loaded module is to receive control in 24-bit addressing mode. The remaining bits (1-7) will also be zero in the symbolic field EPA.

The BASSM at statement #600 does the following:

The BSM instruction used by the called service routine USER2 to return to USER1 will reestablish 31-bit addressing mode.

Prepare to read a record from data base file 1:
         MVC   FUNCTION,READ1          Indicate read to file 1
         XC    BUFFER,BUFFER           Clear input buffer
         LA    1,COMMAREA              Set up register 1 to
*                                      point to the parameter area
         L     15,EPA                  Get pointer-defined address
*                                      of the I/O service routine
         BASSM 14,15                   Call the service routine
*                                      Note: The BASSM will change
*                                      the AMODE to 24-bit.  The
*                                      BSM issued in the service
*                                      routine will reestablish
*                                      31-bit addressing mode.
#900     CLC   STATUS,ENDFILE          End of file encountered
*                                      by module USER2 ?
         BE    EODRTN                  Close files and exit
         MVC   BUFFR31A,BUFFER         Move record returned to
*                                      storage above 16 megabytes

At statement #900, a check is made to determine if called module USER2 encountered the end of file. The end of file condition in this example can only be intercepted by USER2 because the EOD exit address specified on the DCB macro must reside below 16 megabytes. The end of file condition must then be communicated to module USER1.

Call a record analysis routine that exists above 16 megabytes:
         LA    1,BUFFR31A              Get address of first buffer
         ST    1,BUFPTR+0              Store into parameter list
         LA    1,UPDATBFR              Get address of output
*                                      buffer
         ST    1,BUFPTR+4              Store into parameter list
         LA    1,BUFPTR                Set up pointers to work
*                                      buffers for the analysis
*                                      routine
         L     15,ANALYZE              Address of analysis routine
#1000    BASR  14,15                   Call analysis routine
         MVC   BUFFER,UPDATBFR         Move updated record to
*                                      storage below 16 megabytes
*                                      so that the updated record can
*                                      be written back to the data base
At statement #1000 a BASR instruction is used to call the analysis routine since no AMODE switching is required. A BALR could also have been used. A BALR executed while in 31-bit addressing mode performs the same function as a BASR instruction. The topic “Mode Sensitive Instructions” describes the instruction differences.
         MVC   FUNCTION,WRITE1         Indicate write to file 1
         LA    1,COMMAREA              Set up register 1 to
*                                      point to the parameter area
         L     15,EPA                  Get pointer-defined address
*                                      of the I/O service routine
*                                      routine
         BASSM 14,15                   Call the service routine
*                                      Note: The BASSM will set
*                                      the AMODE to 24-bit.  The
*                                      BSM issued in the service
*                                      routine will reestablish
*                                      31-bit addressing mode
         B     READRTN                 Get next record to process
Prepare to close input and output data base files:
EODRTN   DS    0H                      End of data routine
         MVC   FUNCTION,CLOSE1         Indicate close file 1
         LA    1,COMMAREA              Set up register 1 to
*                                      point to the parameter area
         L     15,EPA                  Get pointer-defined address
*                                      of the I/O service routine
         BASSM 14,15                   Call the service routine
*                                      Note: The BASSM sets
*                                      the AMODE to 24-bit.  The
*                                      BSM issued in the service
*                                      routine will reestablish
*                                      31-bit addressing mode
         MVC   FUNCTION,CLOSE2         Indicate close file 2
         LA    1,COMMAREA              Set up register 1 to
*                                      point to the parameter area
         L     15,EPA                  Get pointer-defined address
*                                      of the I/O service routine
         BASSM 14,15                   Call the service routine
*                                      Note: The BASSM sets
*                                      the AMODE to 24-bit.  The
*                                      BSM issued in the service
*                                      routine will reestablish
*                                      31-bit addressing mode
Prepare to return to the caller:
         L     13,SAVEBKWD             Restore save area address
*                                      of the caller of module
*                                      USER1
         LA    0,WORKLNTH              Length of work area and
*                                      parameter area used by
*                                      module USER2
         FREEMAIN RC,LV=(0),A=(6)      Free storage
         DROP  6
         LA    0,GMLNTH                Length of work area used
*                                      by USER1
         FREEMAIN RC,LV=(0),A=(8)      Free storage
         DROP  8
         XR    15,15                   Set return code zero
         RETURN (14,12),RC=(15)
Define DSECTs and constants for module to module communication. Define constants used to communicate the function module USER2 is to perform.
         DS    0F
READ1    DC    C'R1'                   Read from file 1 opcode
WRITE1   DC    C'W1'                   Write to file 1 opcode
OPEN1    DC    C'O1'                   Open file 1 opcode
OPEN2    DC    C'O2'                   Open file 2 opcode
CLOSE1   DC    C'C1'                   Close file 1 opcode
CLOSE2   DC    C'C2'                   Close file 2 opcode
ANALYZE  DC    V(ANALYSIS)             Address of record
*                                      analysis routine
ENDFILE  DC    C'EF'                   End of file indicator
SAVEREGS DS    0F                      This storage exists
*                                      below 16 megabytes
SAVERSVD DS    F                       Reserved
SAVE1412 DS    15F                     Save area for registers 14-12
COMMAREA DS    0F                      Parameter area used to
*                                      communicate with module
*                                      USER2
FUNCTION DS    CL2                     Function to be performed
*                                      by USER2
STATUS   DS    CL2                     Status of read operation
BUFFER   DS    CL80                    Input/output buffer
WORKLNTH EQU   *-WORKAREA              Length of this DSECT
Define DSECT work area for module USER1:
DYNAREA  DSECT                         This storage exists
*                                      above 16 megabytes
EPA      DS    F                       Address of loaded routine
BUFFR31A DS    CL80                    Buffer - above 16
*                                      megabytes
         DS    A                       Address of input buffer
         DS    A                       Address of updated buffer
UPDATBFR DS    CL80                    Updated buffer returned
*                                      by the analysis routine
GMLNTH   EQU   *-DYNAREA               Length of dynamic area
USER2 service routine:
*Module USER2 receives control in 24-bit addressing mode, resides below
*16 megabytes, and is called by module USER1 to perform data
*management services.

*        Save the caller's registers in save area provided
         SAVE  (14,12)                 Save registers
         BASR  12,0                    Establish base
         USING *,12                    Addressability
         LR    10,1                    Save parameter area pointer
*                                      around GETMAINs
         USING  COMMAREA,10            Establish parameter area
*                                      addressability
Storage will be obtained via GETMAIN for a save area that module USER2 can pass to external routines it calls.
         LA    0,WORKLNTH              Length of the work area
*                                      required
         GETMAIN RU,LV=(0),LOC=RES     Obtain save area storage,
*                                      which must be below
*                                      16 megabytes
         LR    6,1                     Save address of obtained
*                                      storage to be used for
*                                      a save area for module
*                                      USER2
         USING SAVEREGS,6              Save area addressability
         LA    0,GMLNTH                Get dynamic storage for
*                                      module USER2 below
*                                      16 megabytes.
Note: This GETMAIN will only be done on the initial call to this module.
#2000    GETMAIN RU,LV=(0),LOC=RES     Obtain storage below
*                                      16 megabytes
         LR    8,1                     Copy address of storage
*                                      obtained via GETMAIN
         USING DYNAREA,8               Base register for the
*                                      dynamic work area
         ST    13,SAVEBKWD             Save address of caller's
*                                      save area
         LR    9,13                    Save caller's save area
*                                      address
         LA    13,SAVEAREA             USER1's save  area address
*                                      Note - save area is
*                                      below 16 megabytes

The GETMAIN at statement #2000 requests that storage be obtained to match the current residency mode of module USER2. Because the module resides below 16 megabytes, storage obtained will be below 16 megabytes.

Note: The following store operation is successful because module USER1 obtained save area storage below 16 megabytes.
         ST    13,8(9)                 Have caller's save area
*                                      point to my save area
* Process input requests
READ1    DS    0H                      Read a record routine
         L     13,SAVEBKWD
         LM    14,12,12(13)            Reload USER1's registers
         BSM   0,14                    Return to caller - this
*                                      instruction sets AMODE 31
WRITE1   DS    0H                      Write a record routine
         L     13,SAVEBKWD
         LM    14,12,12(13)            Reload USER1's registers
         BSM   0,14                    Return to caller - this
*                                      instruction sets AMODE 31
OPEN1    DS    0H                      Open file 1 for input
         L     13,SAVEBKWD
         LM    14,12,12(13)            Restore caller's registers
         BSM   0,14                    Return to caller - this
*                                      instruction sets AMODE 31
CLOSE1   DS    0H                      Close file 1 for input
         L     13,SAVEBKWD
         LM    14,12,12(13)            Restore caller's registers
         BSM   0,14                    Return to caller - this
*                                      instruction sets AMODE 31
OPEN2    DS    0H                      Open file 2 for input
         L     13,SAVEBKWD
         LM    14,12,12(13)            Restore caller's registers
         BSM   0,14                    Return to caller - this
*                                      instruction sets AMODE 31
CLOSE2   DS    0H                      Close file 2 for input
         L     13.SAVEBKWD
         LM    14,12,12(13)            Restore caller's registers
         BSM   0,14                    Return to caller - this
*                                      instruction sets AMODE 31
Note: This FREEMAIN will only be done on the final call to this module.
         LA    0,GMLNTH                Length of work area used
*                                      by USER2
         FREEMAIN RC,LV=(0),A=(8)      Free storage
ENDFILE  DS    0H                      End of file encountered
         MVC   STATUS,ENDFILE          Indicate end of file to
*                                      module USER1
         L     13,SAVWBKWD
         LM    14,12,12(13)            Reload USER1's registers
         BSM   0,14                    Return to USER1
*                                      indicating end of file
*                                      has been encountered
ERREXIT1 DS    0H                      SYNAD error exit one
         MVC   STATUS,IOERROR          Indicate I/O error to
*                                      module 'USER1'
         L     13,SAVWBKWD
         LM    14,12,12(13)            Reload USER1's registers
         BSM   0,14                    Return to USER1
*                                      indicating an I/O error
*                                      has been encountered
ERREXIT2 DS    0H                      SYNAD error exit two
         MVC   STATUS,IOERROR          Indicate I/O error to
*                                      module 'USER1'
         L     13,SAVWBKWD
         LM    14,12,12(13)            Reload USER1's registers
         BSM   0,14                    Return to USER1
*                                      indicating an I/O error
*                                      has been encountered
Note: Define the required DCBs that module USER2 will process. The DCBs exist in storage below 16 megabytes. The END OF DATA and SYNAD exit routines also exist in storage below 16 megabytes.
* Work areas and constants for module USER2
IOERROR  DC    C'IO'                   Constant used to indicate
*                                      an I/O error
ENDFILE  DC    C'EF'                   Constant used to indicate
*                                      end of file encountered
SAVEREGS DSECT                         This storage exists
*                                      below 16 megabytes
SAVERSVD DS    F                       Reserved
SAVE1412 DS    15F                     Save area for registers 14-12
WORKLNTH EQU   *-SAVEREGS              Length of dynamic area
COMMAREA DSECT                         Parameter area used to
*                                      communicate with module
*                                      USER1
FUNCTION DS    CL2                     Function to be performed
*                                      by USER2
STATUS   DS    CL2                     Status of read operation
BUFFER   DS    CL80                    Input/output buffer
DYNAREA  DSECT                         This storage exists
*                                      below 16 megabytes
GMLNTH   EQU   *-DYNAREA               Length of dynamic area