z/OS DFSMSdfp Utilities
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Example 9: Create a Sequential Data Set from Card Input

z/OS DFSMSdfp Utilities

In this example, IEBUPDTE is used to create a sequential data set from card input. User header and trailer labels, also from the input stream, are placed on this sequential data set.
  //LABEL    JOB  ...
  //             DISP=(NEW,KEEP),LABEL=(,SUL),SPACE=(TRK,(15,3))
  //SYSIN    DD  *
  ./      LABEL
  (Header labels)
  (Data records)
  ./      LABEL
  (Trailer labels)
  ./      ENDUP
The control statements are as follows:
  • SYSUT2 DD defines and allocates space for the output sequential data set, called LABEL, which resides on a disk volume.
  • SYSIN DD defines the control data set, which follows in the input stream. (This control data set includes the sequential input data set and the user labels, which are on cards.)
  • The first LABEL statement identifies the 80-byte card images in the input stream which will become user header labels. (They can be modified by the user's header-label processing routine specified on the ADD function statement.)
  • The ADD function statement indicates that the data statements that follow are placed in the output data set. The newly created data set is listed in the message data set. User output header and output trailer routines are to be given control before the writing of header and trailer labels.
  • The second LABEL statement identifies the 80-byte card images in the input stream which will become user trailer labels. (They can be modified by the user's trailer-label processing routine specified on the ADD function statement.)
  • ENDUP signals the end of the control data set.

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