z/OS DFSMSdfp Utilities
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PRINT and PUNCH Statements

z/OS DFSMSdfp Utilities

You use the PRINT and PUNCH statements to specify whether the data set is to be printed or punched. You must include one of these statements as the first statement of your control data set. You cannot use both statements at once, and you cannot use a statement more than once.

The syntax of the PRINT and PUNCH statements is:

Label Statement Parameters




  • INITPG and MAXLINE can only be specified with PRINT
  • CDSEQ and CDINCR can only be specified with PUNCH
specifies that a control character is provided as the first character of each record to be printed or punched. The control characters are used to control the spacing, number of lines per page, page ejection, and selecting a stacker. That is, the output has been previously formatted, and should be printed or punched according to that format. If an error occurs, the print/punch operation is stopped. If PREFORM is coded, any additional PRINT or PUNCH operands other than TYPORG, and all other control statements except for LABELS, are ignored. Any ignored statement or operands are checked for correct syntax, however. PREFORM must not be used for printing or punching data sets with VS or VBS records longer than 32K bytes. These values are coded as follows:
specifies that an ASA control character is provided as the first character of each record to be printed or punched. If the input record length exceeds the output record length, the utility uses the ASA character for printing the first line, with a single space character on all subsequent lines of the record (for PRINT), or duplicates the ASA character on each output card of the record (for PUNCH).

If you are printing or punching a data set that was formatted using IEBPTPCH, PREFORM=A should be coded.

specifies that a machine-code control character is provided as the first character of each record to be printed or punched. If the input record length exceeds the output record length, the utility prints all lines of the record with a print-skip-one-line character until the last line of the record, which will contain the actual character provided as input (for PRINT), or duplicates the machine control character on each output card of the record (for PUNCH).
specifies the organization of the input data set. These values are coded as follows:
specifies that the input data set is organized sequentially. This is the default.
specifies that the input data set is partitioned.
specifies the representation of data to be printed or punched. TOTCONV can be overridden by any user specifications (RECORD statements) that pertain to the same data. These values are coded as follows:
specifies that data is punched in 2-character-per-byte hexadecimal representation (for example, C3 40 F4 F6). If XE is not specified, data is punched in 1-character per byte alphanumeric representation. The above example would appear as C 46.

The converted portion of the input record (length L) occupies 2L output characters.

specifies that data (packed decimal mode) is converted to unpacked decimal mode. IEBPTPCH does not check for packed decimal mode.

The converted portion of the input record (length L) occupies 2L-1 output characters when punching, and 2L output characters

Default: If TOTCONV is omitted, data is not converted.

For PRINT, CNTRL specifies an ASA control character for the output device that indicates line spacing, as follows: 1 indicates single spacing (the default), 2 indicates double spacing, and 3 indicates triple spacing.

For PUNCH, CNTRL specifies an ASA control character for the output device that is used to select the stacker, as follows: 1 indicates the first stacker (the default), 2 indicates the second stacker, and 3 indicates the third stacker, if any.

specifies, for sequential data sets, the number of logical records (physical blocks in the case of variable spanned (VS) or variable block spanned (VBS) records longer than 32K bytes) to be skipped before printing or punching begins. For partitioned data sets or PDSEs, STRTAFT specifies the number of logical records to be skipped in each member before printing or punching begins. The n value must not exceed 32767. If STRTAFT is specified and RECORD statements are present, the first RECORD statement of a member describes the format of the first logical record to be printed or punched.
specifies, for sequential data sets, the number of logical records (or physical blocks in the case of VS or VBS records longer than 32K bytes) to be printed or punched. For partitioned data sets or PDSEs, this specifies the number of logical records (or physical blocks in the case of VS or VBS records longer than 32K bytes) to be printed or punched in each member to be processed. The n value must not exceed 32767. If STOPAFT is specified and the IDENT parameter of the RECORD statement is also specified, the operation is stopped. when the STOPAFT count is satisfied or at the end of the first record group, whichever occurs first.
specifies that every nth record (or physical block in the case of VS or VBS records longer than 32K bytes) is printed or punched.

Default: Successive logical records are printed or punched.

specifies a number no less than the total number of member names and aliases appearing in subsequent MEMBER statements. The value must not exceed 32767.

If MAXNAME is omitted when there is a MEMBER statement present, the print or punch request is stopped.

specifies a number no less than the total number of FIELD parameters appearing in subsequent RECORD statements. The value must not exceed 32767.

If MAXFLDS is omitted when there is a FIELD parameter present, the print or punch request is stopped.

specifies a number no less than the total number of IDENT parameters appearing in subsequent RECORD statements. The value must not exceed 32767.

If MAXGPS is omitted when there is an IDENT parameter present, the print or punch request is stopped.

specifies a number no less than the total number of characters contained in the IDENT literals of subsequent RECORD statements. The value must not exceed 32767.

If MAXLITS is omitted when there is a literal present, the print or punch request is ended.

specifies whether the data set to be printed or punched contains double-byte character set data. NO is the default.
specifies the initial page number; the pages are numbered sequentially thereafter. The INITPG value must not exceed 9999. The default is 1.

INITPG can only be coded with the PRINT statement.

specifies the maximum number of lines to a printed page. Spaces, titles, and subtitles are included in this number. The default is 60 lines per page.

MAXLINE can only be coded with the PRINT statement.

specifies the first sequence number of a deck of punched cards. This value must be contained in columns 73 through 80. Sequence numbering is initialized for each member of a partitioned data set. The default is that cards are not numbered.

CDSEQ can only be coded with the PUNCH statement.

specifies the increment to be used in generating sequence numbers. The default increment value is 10, unless CDSEQ is not coded, in which case the records are not numbered.

CDINCR can only be coded with the PUNCH statement.

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