z/OS DFSMSdfp Utilities
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Example 1: Move Sequential Data Sets from Disk Volume to Separate Volumes

z/OS DFSMSdfp Utilities

In this example, three sequential data sets (SEQSET1, SEQSET2, and SEQSET3) are moved from a disk volume to three separate disk volumes. Each of the three receiving volumes is mounted when it is required by IEHMOVE. The source data sets are not cataloged. Space is allocated by IEHMOVE.
  //MOVEDS   JOB  ...
  //DD1      DD  UNIT=(disk,,DEFER),DISP=OLD,
  //             VOLUME=(PRIVATE,,SER=(222222))
  //DD2      DD  UNIT=(disk,,DEFER),DISP=OLD,
  //             VOLUME=(PRIVATE,,SER=(222333))
  //DD3      DD  UNIT=(disk,,DEFER),DISP=OLD,
  //             VOLUME=(PRIVATE,,SER=(222444))
  //DD4      DD  VOLUME=(PRIVATE,RETAIN,SER=(444444)),
  //             UNIT=disk,DISP=OLD
  //SYSIN    DD  *
       MOVE   DSNAME=SEQSET1,TO=disk=222222,FROM=disk=444444
       MOVE   DSNAME=SEQSET2,TO=disk=222333,FROM=disk=444444
       MOVE   DSNAME=SEQSET3,TO=disk=222444,FROM=disk=444444
The control statements are discussed below:
  • SYSUT1 DD defines the disk device that is to contain the work data set.
  • DD1, DD2, and DD3 DD define the receiving volumes.
  • DD4 DD defines a device on which the source volume is mounted. Because the RETAIN subparameter is included, the volume remains mounted until the job has completed.
  • SYSIN DD defines the control data set, which follows in the input stream.
  • MOVE moves the source data sets to volumes 222222, 222333, and 222444, respectively. The source data sets are scratched.

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