z/OS DFSMSdfp Utilities
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Example 6: Build a New 3800 Forms Control Buffer Module for Additional ISO Paper Sizes

z/OS DFSMSdfp Utilities

3800 Model 1

In this example, an FCB module is defined that uses ISO paper sizes and has the ISO Paper Sizes Additional Feature installed.
     //FCBMOD    JOB   ...                                          72
     //SYSIN     DD    *
         FCB  CH1=1,CH12=75,SIZE=85,
              LPI=((10,35),(12,4),(10,35),(6,1)                      X
         NAME ARU
The control statements are discussed below:
  • The SYSUT1 DD statement includes DISP=OLD to ensure that no other job can modify the data set while this job is executing.
  • CH1=1 specifies channel 1 code for line 1, allowing for positioning at line 1.
  • Ch12=75 specifies channel 12 code for line 75, allowing for positioning at line 75 and a unit exception indication at 75 (the last printable line on the page.)
  • LPI=((10,35),(12,4),(10,35),(6,1)) specifies vertical spacing for the entire printable area on the form. The last printable line on the form must have vertical spacing of 6 lines per inch. The sum of the lines allocated must be a multiple of 1/2.
         (10,35)=3 1/2"          (12,4)=2/6"           (6,1)=1/6"
    and  3 1/2 + 2/6 + 3 1/2 + 1/6 = 7 1/2 which is a multiple of 1/2
  • SIZE=85 specifies the length of the form as 85 tenths of an inch, or 8-1/2 inches, although the printable area is 7-1/2 inches.
  • The name of the new FCB module is ARU; it is stored as a member of the SYS1.IMAGELIB data set.

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