z/OS DFSMSdfp Utilities
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TABLE Statement

z/OS DFSMSdfp Utilities

The TABLE statement is used to build a character arrangement table module. When a character arrangement table is built by IEBIMAGE and an INCLUDE statement is specified, the contents of the copied character arrangement table are used as a basis for the new character arrangement table. If an INCLUDE statement is not specified, each translation table entry in the new character arrangement table module is initialized to X'FF', the graphic character modification module name fields are set with blanks (X'40'), and the first character set identifier is set to X'83' (which is the Gothic 10-pitch set). The remaining identifiers are set to X'00'.

After the character arrangement table is initialized, IEBIMAGE modifies the table with data specified in the TABLE statement: character set identifiers, names of graphic character modification modules, and specified translation table entries. The character arrangement table, when built, must contain a reference to at least one printable character. Only one TABLE statement can be specified for each operation group. The TABLE statement can be preceded by an INCLUDE statement and an OPTION statement and must always be followed by a NAME statement.

A TABLE statement with no operands specified, followed by a NAME statement that identifies a character arrangement table module in the library, causes the module to be formatted and printed. The TABLE statement should be preceded by an OPTION statement with the DEVICE=3800M3 parameter for a 3800 Model 3. The format of the printed character arrangement table module is shown under TABLE Module Listing.

The syntax of the TABLE statement is:

Label Statement Parameters
[label] TABLE [CGMID=(set0[, set1][,...])]
    [,GCMLIST={(gcm1[, gcm2][,...])|DELETE}]
    [,LOC=((xloc[, {cloc[,setno]| FF}])[,...])]
identifies the character sets that are to be used with the character arrangement table. (The IBM-supplied character sets and their identifiers are described in IBM 3800 Printing Subsystem Programmer's Guide .) When CGMID is specified, all character set identifiers are changed. If only one character set is specified, the other three identifiers are set to X'00'.
is a 1-byte identifier of a character set. Up to four character set identifiers can be specified; set0 identifies the character set that is to be loaded into the first writable character generation module (WCGM); set1 is loaded into the second WCGM; and so forth. You should ensure that the character set identifiers are specified in the proper sequence, so that they are coordinated with the translation table entries.
GCMLIST={(gcm1[, gcm2][,...])|DELETE}
names up to four graphic character modification modules to be associated with the character arrangement table. When GCMLIST is specified, all graphic character modification module name fields are changed (if only one module name is specified, the other three name fields are set to blanks).
is the 1- to 4-character name of the graphic character modification module. Up to four module names can be specified. The name is put into the character arrangement table, whether a graphic character modification module currently exists with that name. However, if the module does not exist, IEBIMAGE issues a warning message to you. The character arrangement table should not be used unless all graphic character modification modules it refers to are stored in an image library.
specifies that all graphic character modification module name fields are to be set to blanks.
LOC=((xloc[, {cloc[,setno]| FF}])[,...])
specifies values for some or all of the 256 translation table entries. Each translation table entry identifies one of 64 character positions within one of the WCGMs.
is an index into the translation table, and is specified as a hexadecimal value from X'00' to X'FF'; xloc identifies a translation table entry, not the contents of the entry.
identifies one of the 64 character positions within a WCGM, and is specified as a hexadecimal value between X'00' and X'3F'. When cloc is not specified, the default is X'FF', an incorrect character.
identifies one of the WCGMs, and is specified as a decimal integer from 0 to 3. When setno is not specified, the default is 0. The setno cannot be specified unless cloc is also specified.
Cloc and setno specify the contents of the translation table entry located by xloc. You can specify the same cloc and setno values for more than one xloc.

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