z/OS DFSMSdfp Utilities
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Excluding Members from a Copy Operation

z/OS DFSMSdfp Utilities

Members from one or more input data sets can be excluded from a copy, unload, or load operation. The excluded member is searched for on every input data set in the copy, unload, or load operation and is always omitted. Members are excluded from the input data sets named on an INDD statement that precedes the EXCLUDE statement.

A maximum of eight characters can be given for the member or alias name on a copy operation.

Restriction: EXCLUDE is not allowed for COPYGRP or for COPYGROUP. It is allowed for COPYGROUP when a SELECT MEMBER statement uses member name filter pattern masking, and the EXCLUDE statement does also.

The replace option can be specified on the data set level in an exclusive copy or load, in which case, nonexcluded members on the input data set replace identically named members on the output data set.

Related reading: For more information about the replace option, see Replacing Members in a Data Set.

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