z/OS DFSMSdfp Utilities
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Example 16: Copy a Selected Group from a PDSE to a PDSE

z/OS DFSMSdfp Utilities

In this example, a selected member and its aliases are copied from a PDSE to a PDSE. Either the member's name or a maximum of eight characters can be given on the SELECT statement. See Copying Program Objects (COPYGRP and COPYGROUP Statements) for information about selecting groups on COPYGRP.
  //CPYGRP    JOB  ...
  //          DISP=(NEW,CATLG)
  //SYSIN     DD  *
             SELECT   MEMBER=(ALIAS001)
The control statements are discussed below:
  • DDIN DD defines the input data set, PDSE, which is a partitioned data set extended.

    DDOUT DD defines the output data set, PDSE, which is a partitioned data set extended.

    All PDSEs must be managed by the Storage Management Subsystem.

    The LIKE parameter indicates that the DCB and SPACE attributes for PDSESETB are to be copied from PDSESETA.

    The DSNTYPE parameter defines the new data set as a PDSE.

    The Storage Management Subsystem chooses an appropriate volume for the allocation.

  • SYSUT3 DD defines a temporary spill data set.
  • SYSIN DD defines the control data set, which follows in the input stream. The data set contains a COPYGRP statement, an INDD statement, and an OUTDD statement.
  • COPYGRP indicates the start of the copy operation.

    The INDD parameter shows PDSESETA as the input data set.

    The OUTDD parameter shows PDSESETB as the output data set.

  • The SELECT statement indicates that a group that has the alias ALIAS001 is to be selected from the input data set (PDSESETA) and copied to the output data set (PDSESETB).

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