z/OS DFSMSdfp Utilities
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IEBCOMPR (Compare Data Sets) Program

z/OS DFSMSdfp Utilities

Recommendation: Use the SuperC utility instead of IEBCOMPR. SuperC is part of ISPF/PDF and the High Level Assembler Toolkit Feature. SuperC can be processed in the foreground as well as in batch and its report is more useful.

IEBCOMPR is a data set utility that is used to compare two sequential data sets, two partitioned data sets or two partisioned data sets (PDSEs) at the logical record level to verify a backup copy. Fixed, variable, or undefined records from blocked or unblocked data sets or members can also be compared. However, you should not use IEBCOMPR to compare load modules.

Two sequential data sets are considered equal, that is, are considered to be identical under the following conditions:
  • The data sets contain the same number of records.
  • Corresponding records and keys are identical.
Two partitioned data sets or two PDSEs are considered equalunder all of the following conditions:
  • Corresponding members contain the same number of records.
  • Note lists are in the same position within corresponding members.
  • Corresponding records and keys are identical.
  • Corresponding directory user data fields are identical.

If all these conditions are not met for a specific type of data set, those data sets are considered unequal. If records are unequal, the record and block numbers, the names of the DD statements that define the data sets, and the unequal records are listed in a message data set. Ten successive unequal comparisons stop the job step, unless you provide a routine for handling error conditions.

Load module partitioned data sets that reside on different types of devices should not be compared. Under most circumstances, the data sets will not compare as equal.

Partitioned data sets or PDSEs can be compared only if all the names in one or both of the directories have counterpart entries in the other directory. The comparison is made on members that are identified by these entries and corresponding user data.

Figure 1 shows the directories of two partitioned data sets. Directory 2 contains corresponding entries for all the names in Directory 1; therefore, the data sets can be compared.

Figure 1. Partitioned Directories Whose Data Sets Can Be Compared Using IEBCOMPR
Partitioned Directories Whose Data Sets Can Be Compared Using IEBCOMPR

Figure 2 shows the directories of two partitioned data sets. Each directory contains a name that has no corresponding entry in the other directory; therefore, the data sets cannot be compared, and the job step will be ended.

Figure 2. Partitioned Directories Whose Data Sets Cannot Be Compared Using IEBCOMPR
Partitioned Directories Whose Data Sets Cannot Be Compared Using IEBCOMPR

User exits are provided for optional user routines to process user labels, handle error conditions, and modify source records.

If IEBCOMPR is invoked from an application program or TSO, you can dynamically allocate the data sets by calling dynamic allocation (SVC 99) or the TSO ALLOCATE command before calling IEBCOMPR.

Related reading: For information about the linkage conventions for user routines, see Specifying User Exits with Utility Programs.

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