Dynamic port assignment

Sysplex distributor can also react dynamically to servers binding to the distributed DVIPA and creating a listening socket, adding a port to the list of ports for which connection workload balancing will occur. If the PORT parameter is omitted from the VIPADISTRIBUTE statement for the distributed DVIPA, any server that binds to the distributed DVIPA and a nonzero port will be eligible for workload distribution. If only one server binds to the distributed DVIPA and port and establishes a listening socket, that server will get all of the work. When the second server binds to the distributed DVIPA and the same port and establishes a listening socket, it will immediately become eligible to participate in connection workload balancing. TCP/IP will not enforce a limit on the number of ports that can participate in connection workload balancing per distributed DVIPA, other than the total number of allowable ports.