Use the HOMETEST command to verify the HOSTNAME, DOMAINORIGIN, SEARCH, and NSINTERADDR TCPIP.DATA statements. HOMETEST will use the resolver to obtain the IP addresses assigned to the HOSTNAME and compare them to the HOME list specified in PROFILE.TCPIP. A warning message will be issued if any HOSTNAME IP addresses are missing from the HOME list.

Activate TRACE RESOLVER if you would like detailed information on how the HOSTNAME is resolved to IP addresses. The information will also include what TCPIP.DATA data set names were used. This can be done by issuing the following TSO command before running HOMETEST. The detailed information will be displayed on your TSO screen.
allocate dd(systcpt) da(*)
Issue the following TSO command after HOMETEST to turn off TRACE RESOLVER output.
free dd(systcpt)

If you do not have TRACE RESOLVER turned on before you run HOMETEST, the following information is displayed:

Running IBM MVS TCP/IP CS V1R6 TCP/IP Configuration Tester
FTP.DATA file not found. Using hardcoded default values.

TCP Host Name is: MVS026 
Using Name Server to Resolve MVS026
The following IP addresses correspond to TCP Host Name: MVS026
The following IP addresses are the HOME IP addresses defined in PROFILE.TCPIP: 

All IP addresses for MVS026 are in the HOME list!
Hometest was successful - all Tests Passed!