Base resolver configuration files

The base resolver configuration file contains TCPIP.DATA statements. In addition to resolver directives, it is referenced to determine, among other things, the data set prefix (DATASETPREFIX statement's value) to be used when trying to access some of the configuration files.

The search order used to access the base resolver configuration file is as follows:


    If defined, the resolver GLOBALTCPIPDATA setup statement value is used. For a description of the GLOBALTCPIPDATA statement, see The resolver and the global TCPIP.DATA file.

    The search continues for an additional configuration file. The search ends with the next file found.

  2. //SYSTCPD DD card

    The data set allocated to the ddname SYSTCPD is used.

    Rule: Because TCPIP.DATA statements might need to be read and used multiple times by the resolver, the FREE=CLOSE JCL parameter should not be used when allocating SYSTCPD. To allow TCPIP.DATA statements to be changed while still allocated for long running programs, consider using a member of an MVS™ partitioned data set instead of an MVS sequential data set. For these long running applications, the resolver MODIFY REFRESH command should then be used to indicate that TCPIP.DATA statements have been changed.
  3. userid/jobname.TCPIP.DATA

    userid is the user ID that is associated with the current security environment (address space or task/thread).

    jobname is the name specified on the JOB JCL statement for batch jobs or the procedure name for a started procedure.


    If defined, the resolver DEFAULTTCPIPDATA setup statement value is used. For a description of the DEFAULTTCPIPDATA statement, see The resolver and the global TCPIP.DATA file.