TN3270E Telnet server

You can run up to eight instances of the TN3270E Telnet server (Telnet), as appropriate for your installation. You can optionally configure the NACUSERID statement to enable Network Access Control for your Telnet, or use the procedure's user ID.

Telnet maps TCP connections to LU names configured in LU groups or supplied by an LU mapping exit. All of the LU names in a single LU group or that are provided by a single exit must have the same security label. Telnet ensures that the mapped LU name has an equivalent security label to the NetAccess profile for the network security zone containing the client. If the security label for the NetAccess profile is SYSMULTI, Telnet ensures that the mapped LU name also has a security label of SYSMULTI. When performing user login authentication, the SNA application should use this LU name as the port of entry TERMID. The LU name profile in the TERMINAL class must have equivalent security label definitions on both the Telnet system and the SNA application system.