Steps for configuring the trusted internal network model (simple IP filtering)

In the trusted internal network model, the server is protecting traffic that originates from hosts inside a privately controlled network.

Before you begin

The following statements, concepts, and files are covered in the discussion of this model:

Figure 1 shows the trusted internal network portion of the security model network.

Figure 1. Trusted internal network model
Shows internal network, with z/OS at and administrative machine at

For this example, assume that the following requirements must be met to control traffic on the internal network:


Perform the following steps to meet these requirements and configure the trusted internal network model.

  1. Determine the number of zones to be protected. There is only one zone for this example, the internal network
  2. For each zone, determine what services are allowed and define an IpService block for each wanted service. Optionally, assign a security class to all interfaces in each zone. There are two services stated in the example requirements, HTTP and FTP. The traffic is local to this host and, therefore, the routing is designated as local. No forwarding of these services is allowed.

    Because the entire internal network is defined in one zone, you can define a unique security class for the interface with address For this example, the SECCLASS parameter of all internal network interfaces is assigned the arbitrary value of 1, which can be interpreted to mean a trusted network. If you specify the SecurityClass parameter in the IpService block, the related interface must be assigned the same value on the SECCLASS parameter of the LINK or INTERFACE statement in the TCP/IP profile. In this example, the traffic is allowed only over an interface with a SECCLASS parameter value of 1, presumed to be the interface connected to the internal network.

      SourcePortRange       80
      DestinationPortRange  1024 65535
      Protocol              tcp
      Direction             bidirectional InboundConnect
      Routing               local
      SecurityClass         1

    Because normal FTP uses two well-known ports, two services are required, one for the control connection and one for the data connection:

      SourcePortRange       21
      DestinationPortRange  1024 65535
      Protocol              tcp
      Direction             bidirectional InboundConnect
      Routing               local
      SecurityClass         1
      SourcePortRange       20
      DestinationPortRange  1024 65535
      Protocol              tcp
      Direction             bidirectional OutboundConnect
      Routing               local
      SecurityClass         1

    The InboundConnect keyword is used for services that are not allowed to initiate a TCP connection. The OutboundConnect keyword is used for services that are not allowed to receive a TCP connection request. If neither keyword is specified, either side can initiate a TCP connection.

  3. Determine the data endpoints to be protected. There are two sets of data endpoints to be protected in this example, representing the connection from the administrative machine, and all the other hosts on the subnetwork:
    Local  Address of secure server:
    Remote Address of administrative machine:
    Local  Address of secure server:
    Remote Address of all hosts on internal network:
  4. Determine what level of security is needed between each set of data endpoints. In this example, only permit is required. Therefore, no IPSec information is needed. Because z/OS® IP security policy implicitly provides a default-deny policy, all other traffic is denied.
  5. Configure an IpGenericFilterAction statement for the level of security (permit, deny, ipsec) that is required, including whether the connection is logged. Because the example requirement is to permit two types of traffic with different logging requirements, two actions are needed as follows:
    IpGenericFilterAction    permit-log
       IpFilterAction       permit
       IpFilterLogging       yes
    IpGenericFilterAction    permit-nolog
       IpFilterAction       permit
       IpFilterLogging       no
  6. If IPSec is required between any two endpoints, configure a KeyExchangePolicy statement that defines the parameters of the phase 1 negotiation, configure an IpDynVpnAction statement that defines the control of the phase 2 negotiation, and decide how the Security Association is to be activated. IPSec is not required in this example. If there was sensitive data flowing through the internal network that needed to be confidential, IPSec could be specified to encrypt some IP packets, thereby effectively securing information that travels between two hosts on the internal network.
  7. Define an IpFilterRule block for each set of data endpoints. Each rule should include the services that are allowed (one IpService statement for each allowed service), and the level of security that is required (a reference to the IpGenericFilterAction statement). If IPSec is required, create an IpFilterRule statement that allows IKE traffic (UDP, port 500). If NAT traversal is allowed, create an IpFilterRule statement that allows IKE UDP traffic on port 4500.

    In this example, the source address refers to an address on the secure host. The destination address refers to remote hosts. The IpService statements are the ones defined in step 2. Note that the IpGenericFilterAction statement must reference a previously defined action.

    IpFilterRule             AdminFTP
          SourcePortRange       21
          DestinationPortRange  1024 65535
          Protocol              tcp
          Direction             bidirectional InboundConnect
          Routing               local
          SecurityClass         1
          SourcePortRange       20
          DestinationPortRange  1024 65535
          Protocol              tcp
          Direction             bidirectional OutboundConnect
          Routing               local
          SecurityClass         1
       IpGenericFilterActionRef  permit-log
    IpFilterRule             InternalNetWeb
          SourcePortRange       80
          DestinationPortRange  1024 65535
          Protocol              tcp
          Direction             bidirectional InboundConnect
          Routing               local
          SecurityClass         1
       IpGenericFilterActionRef  permit-nolog
    IpGenericFilterAction        permit-log
      IpFilterAction             permit
      IpFilterLogging            yes
    IpGenericFilterAction        permit-nolog
      IpFilterAction             permit
      IpFilterLogging            no

    Because IPSec is not required in this example, no filters for IKE traffic are needed.

  8. Include the IpFilterRule statements in the IpFilterPolicy block. The IP filter rules and their relative placement within the IpFilterPolicy block should be from most specific to least specific. Because the AdminFTP rule controls traffic from a specific host, it should be placed before the InternalNetWeb rule. Note that to enable logging of the individual rules, filter logging must be enabled at the global level of the IP filter policy with the FilterLogging parameter.
       FilterLogging            on
       IpFilterRule             AdminFTP
             SourcePortRange       21
             DestinationPortRange  1024 65535
             Protocol              tcp
             Direction             bidirectional InboundConnect
             Routing               local
             SecurityClass         1
             SourcePortRange       20
             DestinationPortRange  1024 65535
             Protocol              tcp
             Direction             bidirectional OutboundConnect
             Routing               local
             SecurityClass         1
          IpGenericFilterActionRef  permit-log
       IpFilterRule             InternalNetWeb
          IpService             WebServer
             SourcePortRange       80
             DestinationPortRange  1024 65535
             Protocol              tcp
             Direction             bidirectional InboundConnect
             Routing               local
             SecurityClass         1
          IpGenericFilterActionRef  permit-nolog
  9. Include all configured statements in the stack-specific IP security configuration file. The IpFilterPolicy statement and the IpGenericFilterAction statements are placed in the file in no particular order, although the file is easier to read if logically related items are placed close together. For further ease of reading and maintenance, document the file with comments, which begin with the number sign (#).

    The completed stack-specific IP security configuration file for the internal network with two filter rules follows:

    # IP Security policy for Secure Server
    # IpFilterPolicy block   #
       FilterLogging            on
       #Allow admin FTP; log traffic
       IpFilterRule             AdminFTP
             SourcePortRange       21
             DestinationPortRange  1024 65535
             Protocol              tcp
             Direction             bidirectional InboundConnect
             Routing               local
             SecurityClass         1
             SourcePortRange       20
             DestinationPortRange  1024 65535
             Protocol              tcp
             Routing               local
             SecurityClass         1
             Direction             bidirectional OutboundConnect
          IpGenericFilterActionRef  permit-log
       #Allow LAN Web traffic; don't log
       IpFilterRule             InternalNetWeb
             SourcePortRange       80
             DestinationPortRange  1024 65535
             Protocol              tcp
             Direction             bidirectional InboundConnect
             Routing               local
             SecurityClass         1
          IpGenericFilterActionRef  permit-nolog
    # Generic Filter Actions   #
    IpGenericFilterAction    permit-log
       IpFilterAction        permit
       IpFilterLogging       yes
    IpGenericFilterAction    permit-nolog
       IpFilterAction        permit
       IpFilterLogging       no
  10. Define an IP filter group for each zone, and include the IP filter rules that belong to that zone. In step 9, both IpFilterRule statements include a reference to statements defined outside of the IpFilterRule block, the IpGenericFilterAction statements. Some other information, such as IP addresses and services, is undoubtedly to be needed more than once. Changing these occurrences to reference objects eliminates repeated typing of the same information and adds clarity to the configuration file. To take advantage of references, the reusable statements must be given a name.
    • Single IP addresses are defined by the IpAddr statement, which contains one parameter, Addr:
      IpAddr         InternalNetServerAddress
      IpAddr         InternalNetAdminAddress
    • Ranges or subnetworks are defined by the IpAddrSet statement, which contains either a Range or Prefix attribute:
      IpAddrSet      InternalNet
    • To be referenced, each IpService statement needs a name:
      IpService      WebServer
         SourcePortRange       80
         DestinationPortRange  1024 65535
         Protocol              tcp
         Direction             bidirectional InboundConnect
         Routing               local
         SecurityClass         1
      IpService     FTPServer-Control
         SourcePortRange       21
         DestinationPortRange  1024 65535
         Protocol              tcp
         Direction             bidirectional InboundConnect
         Routing               local
         SecurityClass         1
      IpService     FTPServer-Data
         SourcePortRange       20
         DestinationPortRange  1024 65535
         Protocol              tcp
         Direction             bidirectional OutboundConnect
         Routing               local
         SecurityClass         1
    • FTP is composed of two individual services, and both can be condensed into an IpServiceGroup that references the two FTP services:
      IpServiceGroup    FTPServer
         IpServiceRef   FTPServer-Control
         IpServiceRef   FTPServer-Data
    • The IP filter rules can be grouped as well. Because the filter rules that apply to the internal network naturally relate to each other in the sense that they apply to the same security zone, they can be combined into an IpFilterGroup statement:
      IpFilterGroup     InternalNetZoneA
         IpFilterRef    AdminFTP
         IpFilterRef    InternalNetWeb

      Notice that just as the list of IpFilterRule statements in the IpFilterPolicy block is ordered, the list of IpFilterRef statements in the IpFilterGroup block is also ordered. The InternalNetWeb rule applies to all of the IP addresses in the network, including the administrative machine. However, the AdminFTP rule is more specific because it applies only to a specific address within that network. The more specific rule is placed first in the list.

    Now that all reusable statements have been identified and separately defined, they can be incorporated into any statement that requires that reusable statement type. The modified stack-specific IP security configuration file using references follows. Note that by adding names and organizing related statements, the purpose of the IpFilterPolicy statement is clarified.

    # IP Security policy for Secure Server
    # IpFilterPolicy block   #
       FilterLogging            on
       IpFilterGroupRef     InternalNetZoneA
    # Security Zones         #
    IpFilterGroup     InternalNetZoneA
       IpFilterRuleRef    AdminFTP
       IpFilterRuleRef    InternalNetWeb
    # Filter rules           #
    #Allow admin FTP; log traffic
    IpFilterRule                 AdminFTP
       IpSourceAddrRef           InternalNetServerAddress
       IpDestAddrRef             InternalNetAdminAddress
       IpServiceGroupRef         FTPServer
       IpGenericFilterActionRef  permit-log
    #Allow LAN Web traffic; don't log
    IpFilterRule                 InternalNetWeb
       IpSourceAddrRef           InternalNetServerAddress
       IpDestAddrSetRef          InternalNet
       IpServiceRef              WebServer
       IpGenericFilterActionRef  permit-nolog
    ######## All reusable reference statements defined below ########
    # Generic Filter Actions   #
    IpGenericFilterAction    permit-log
       IpFilterAction        permit
       IpFilterLogging       yes
    IpGenericFilterAction    permit-nolog
       IpFilterAction        permit
       IpFilterLogging       no
    # Reusable Services      #
    IpService      WebServer
       SourcePortRange       80
       DestinationPortRange  1024 65535
       Protocol              tcp
       Direction             bidirectional InboundConnect
       Routing               local
       SecurityClass         1
    IpService     FTPServer-Control
       SourcePortRange       21
       DestinationPortRange  1024 65535
       Protocol              tcp
       Direction             bidirectional InboundConnect
       Routing               local
       SecurityClass         1
    IpService     FTPServer-Data
       SourcePortRange       20
       DestinationPortRange  1024 65535
       Protocol              tcp
       Direction             bidirectional OutboundConnect
       Routing               local
       SecurityClass         1
    # Reusable Service Groups   #
    IpServiceGroup    FTPServer
       IpServiceRef   FTPServer-Control
       IpServiceRef   FTPServer-Data
    # Reusable IP Addresses    #
    IpAddr         InternalNetServerAddress
    IpAddr         InternalNetAdminAddress
    IpAddrSet      InternalNet

    This stack-specific IP security configuration file gives FTP access to the administrator and web access to everyone in the internal network. By relying heavily on the abstracted use of references, the policy is not only more self-explanatory, but changes to any referenced object are propagated to any statement that references it. So, if the IP address of the administrative machine or internal subnetwork changes, you merely have to make one change to an IpAddr or IpAddrSet statement, rather than modify a large number of instances in multiple rules.