Verifying the FTP-JES interface (optional)

As with the other optional configuration information, FTP-JES support can best be verified by logging in and confirming the FTP.DATA parameters chosen. To verify JES support, a simple batch job can be created if the JESINTERFACELEVEL is set to the security requirements of an installation. Below is the batch job and FTP client output for JESINTERFACELEVEL 2.
EDIT       USER1.FTP.JCL.TEST                              Columns 00001 00072
Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR 
****** ***************************** Top of Data *****************************
000100 //JOBTEST  JOB MSGCLASS=H,MSGLEVEL=(1,1),CLASS=A,                      
000200 //         USER=USER1                                 
000300 //STEP1    EXEC PGM=IEBGENER                                           
000400 //OBJTMP1  DD DSN=&PRLOBJ,DISP=(NEW,PASS,DELETE),                     
000500 //            SPACE=(CYL,(1,1,10)),                                    
000600 //            DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=800)                      
000700 //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=A                                                 
000800 //SYSUT1   DD DSN=SYS1.PROCLIB(JES2),DISP=SHR                          
000900 //SYSIN    DD DUMMY                                                    
001000 //SYSUT2   DD SYSOUT=H                                                 
001100 //                                                                     
001200 //         EXEC PGM=IEFBR14                                            
****** **************************** Bottom of Data ***************************

site file=jes jesjobname=jobtest jesowner=* jesstatus=all                       
 EZA1701I >>> SITE file=jes jesjobname=jobtest jesowner=* jesstatus=all         
 200 Site command was accepted                                                  
 EZA1460I Command:                                                              
put 'user1.ftp.jcl.test'                                                        
 EZA1701I >>> SITE FIXrecfm 80 LRECL=80 RECFM=FB BLKSIZE=32720                  
 200 Site command was accepted                                                  
 EZA1701I >>> PORT 127,0,0,1,4,12                                               
 200 Port request OK.                                                           
 EZA1701I >>> STOR 'user1.ftp.jcl.test'                                         
 125 Sending Job to JES internal reader FIXrecfm 80                             
 250-It is known to JES as JOB00076                                             
 250 Transfer completed successfully.                                           
 EZA1617I 984 bytes transferred in 0.005 seconds.  Transfer rate 196.80 Kbytes/sec.                                                                   
 EZA1460I Command:                                                              
dir j76                                                                         
 EZA1701I >>> PORT 127,0,0,1,4,13                                               
 200 Port request OK.                                                           
 EZA1701I >>> LIST j76                                                          
 125 List started OK for JESJOBNAME=JOBTEST, JESSTATUS=ALL and JESOWNER=*       
 EZA2284I JOBNAME  JOBID    OWNER    STATUS CLASS                               
 EZA2284I JOBTEST  JOB00076 USER1    OUTPUT A        RC=0000   
 EZA2284I          001 JESE              H JESMSGLG      1084              
 EZA2284I          002 JESE              H JESJCL        1023              
 EZA2284I          003 JESE              H JESYSMSG      1143              
 EZA2284I          004 STEP1             H SYSUT2         741              
 EZA2284I          005 STEP1             A SYSPRINT       209              
 EZA2284I 5 spool files                                                    
 250 List completed successfully.                                          
 EZA1460I Command: