Set the format of device names on the Punch and Reader panels

Description: Starting with z/OS V1R13, SDSF shows device names on the Punch (PUN) and Reader (RDR) panels in a longer format, with dots between subtypes. This could affect batch programs or REXX execs that process the device names. The system programmer can use a custom property to retain the shorter format that was used in previous releases.

Steps to take: In ISFPRMxx, set custom property Panel.PUN.DevNameAlwaysShort and Panel.RDR.DevNameAlwaysShort to TRUE, to use the short form of devices names on the PUN and RDR panels.

Reference information: For details about setting the custom property in ISFPRMxx, see the discussion of the PROPLIST nad PROPERTY statements, in z/OS SDSF Operation and Customization.