SNMP MIB modules

This topic lists updates to Communications Server's support for SNMP MIB modules. For a complete list of supported SNMP MIB objects, refer to z/OS V2R1.0 Communications Server: IP System Administrator's Commands.

Table 1 lists the changes to the SNMP MIB module support.

Table 1. Summary of new and changed Communications Server SNMP MIB module support
MIB module name Rel. Description Reason for change
IBMTCPIPMVS-MIB V2R1 For IPv6 routes, the MIB object ibmMvsRouteFlags reflects the route source, main or PBR route table. IPv6 support for policy-based routing
IBMTCPIPMVS-MIB (continued) V2R1
  • The flag definedByInterface(14), in the ibmMvsIfFlag MIB object, is set for IPv4 IPAQIDIO and VIRTUAL interfaces that are defined by the INTERFACE statement.
  • The ibmMvsIfSrcVipaIntfName MIB object provides the SOURCEVIPAINTERFACE name for IPv4 IPAQIDIO interfaces that are defined by the INTERFACE statement.
  • The ibmMvsIfChpid MIB object provides the CHPID value for IPv4 IPAQIDIO interfaces that are defined by the INTERFACE statement.
  • The ibmMvsIfDatapath MIB object provides the datapath address for IPv4 IPAQIDIO interfaces that are defined by the INTERFACE statement, and for IPv6 IPAQIDIO6 interfaces.
  • The ibmMvsIfConfigMtu MIB object provides the configured MTU value for IPv4 IPAQIDIO interfaces that are defined by the INTERFACE statement.
  • The ibmMvsIfTrleName MIB object provides the TRLE name for IPv4 IPAQIDIO interfaces that are defined by the INTERFACE statement, and for IPv6 IPAQIDIO6 interfaces.
  • The ipAdEntNetMask provides the configured subnet mask for IPv4 IPAQIDIO interfaces that are defined by the INTERFACE statement.
IPv4 INTERFACE statement for HiperSockets and Static VIPAs
  • Support added for new scalar MIB objects for new TCPCONFIG profile statement parameters:
    • ibmMvsTcpConnectInitInterval
    • ibmMvsTcpConnectTimeout
    • ibmMvsTcpFrrThreshold
    • ibmMvsTcpKeepAliveProbeInterval
    • ibmMvsTcpKeepAliveProbesNum
    • ibmMvsTcpNagle
    • ibmMvsTcpQueuedRtt
    • ibmMvsTcpRetransmitAttempts
    • ibmMvsTcpMaxSendBufferSize
    • ibmMvsTcpTimewaitInterval
  • The existing ibmMvsMaximumRetransmitTime MIB object's value is now configurable via a new parameter on the TCPCONFIG profile statement.
Enhanced TCP protocol configuration options and default settings
IBMTCPIPMVS-MIB (continued) V2R1
  • The ibmMvsIfType MIB object supports a new value, rnic(39), to indicate an entry in the table is a 10GbE RoCE Express interface, which is represented as an RNIC interface.
  • The ibmMvsIfFlag MIB object supports a new flag bit, smcr(17), to indicate that the SMCR parameter is in effect for the interface.
  • The ibmMvsIfTrleName MIB object is now supported for RNIC interfaces.
  • The new ibmMvsIfPNetID MIB object provide the physical network (PNet) ID for active OSD and OSX interfaces.
  • The new ibmMvsPortNoSmcr MIB object indicates whether the NOSMCR parameter is in effect for the port or port range.
Shared Memory Communications over Remote Direct Memory Access
V2R1 The new scalar MIB object ibmMvsTcpSelectiveAck is added to provide the setting of the SELECTIVEACK and NOSELECTIVEACK parameters from the TCPCONFIG profile statement. TCP support for selective acknowledgements
  • The ibmMvsTcpEphemeralPortsLow MIB object provides the low port range value for TCP ephemeral ports.
  • The ibmMvsTcpEphemeralPortsHigh MIB object provides the high port range value for TCP ephemeral ports. The ibmMvsUdpEphemeralPortsLow MIB object will provide the low port range value for UDP ephemeral ports.
  • The ibmMvsUdpEphemeralPortsHigh MIB object provides the high port range value for UDP ephemeral ports.
User control of Ephmeral Port Ranges
  • Added the v2r1 value to the ibmMvsTcpipSubagentVersion object
  • Added the tlsVer1Dot2(6) value to the ibmMvsTcpConnectionTtlsSslProt MIB object
  • Changed the description of the ibmMvsTcpConnectionTtlsNegCipher MIB object
  • Added ibmTCPIPmvsTcpGroup11 to support the new ibmMvsTcpConnectionTtlsNegCipher4 MIB object in the ibmTcpipMvsTcpConnectionTable
AT-TLS support for TLS v1.2 and related features
IBMTCPIPMVS-MIB (continued) V1R13 The following values of the ibmMvsIfflagType MIB object now apply to IPAQENET6 interfaces:
  • checksumOffloadEnabled(4)
  • tcpSegOffloadEnabled(6)
OSA-Express4S QDIO IPv6 checksum and segmentation offload
V1R13 The ibmMvsIfType MIB object supports the following new values to indicate IQDX interfaces:
  • ipaqiqdx(37)
  • ipaqiqdx6(38)
HiperSockets optimization for intraensemble data networks
V1R12 The ibmMvsIfType MIB object supports the following new values to indicate OSA-Express QDIO ethernet interfaces of CHPID type OSM and OSX:
  • ipaqenetOSX(34)
  • ipaqenet6OSX(35)
  • ipaqenet6OSM(36)

The ibmMvsIfChpid MIB object supports the configured CHPID number for OSA-Express QDIO ethernet interfaces of CHPID type OSX.

z/OS Communications Server in an ensemble
IF-MIB V1R12 The ifDescr MIB object supports new descriptions for OSA-Express QDIO ethernet interfaces of CHPID type OSM and OSX. z/OS Communications Server in an ensemble
V1R12 For IPv6 default routes which were created because of a router advertisement, the value of the ipDefaultRouterPreference MIB object will be set according to the preference value from the router advertisement. Enhancements to IPv6 router advertisement
IP-FORWARD-MIB V1R12 For IPv6 indirect routes which were created because of a router advertisement, the value of the inetCidrRouteMetric1 MIB object will indicate the preference value from the router advertisement. Enhancements to IPv6 router advertisement
Start of changeSNMP-USM-AES-MIBEnd of change Start of changeV2R1End of change Start of changeAdded support for this MIB module from RFC3826 for SNMPv3 AES 128-bit encryption support. End of change Start of changeNetwork security enhancements for SNMPEnd of change