z/OS Cryptographic Services ICSF Application Programmer's Guide
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Reason Codes for Return Code C (12)

z/OS Cryptographic Services ICSF Application Programmer's Guide

Table 330 lists reason codes returned from callable services that give return code 12. These reason codes indicate that the call to the callable service was not successful. Either cryptographic processing did not take place, or the last cryptographic unit was switched offline. Therefore, no output parameters were filled.

The higher-order halfword of the reason code field for return code C (12) may contain additional coding. See reason codes 1790, 273C, and 2740 in this table. For example, in the reason code 42738, the 4 is an SVC 99 error code and the 2738 is listed in this table:
Table 330. Reason Codes for Return Code C (12)
Reason Code Hex (Decimal)Description
0 (0)ICSF is not available. One of the following situations is possible:
  • ICSF is not started
  • ICSF is started, but does not have access to any cryptographic units.
  • ICSF is started, but the DES-MK, AES-MK, or ECC-MK is not defined.
  • ICSF is started, but the requested function is not available. For instance, an ECC operation was requested but the required hardware is not installed.

User action: Check the availability of ICSF with your ICSF administrator.

4 (4)The CKDS or PKDS management service you called is not available because it has been disallowed by the ICSF User Control Functions panel.

User action: Contact the security administrator or system programmer to determine why the CKDS or PKDS management services have been disallowed.

8 (8)The service or algorithm is not available on current hardware. Your request cannot be processed.

User action: Correct the calling program or run on applicable hardware.

C (12)The service that you called is unavailable because the installation exit for that service had previously failed.

User action: Contact your ICSF administrator or system programmer.

10 (16)A requested installation service routine could not be found. Your request was not processed.

User action: Contact your ICSF administrator or system programmer.

1C (28)Cryptographic asynchronous processor failed.

User action: Contact your IBM support center.

20 (32)Cryptographic asynchronous instruction was not executed.

User action: Ensure cryptographic services are enabled.

28 (40)The callable service that you called is unsupported for AMODE(64) applications. Your request cannot be processed.
2C (44)The callable service that you called was linked with the AMODE(64) stub. The application is not running AMODE(64). Your request cannot be processed.

User action: Link your application with the service stub with the appropriate addressing mode.

0C5 (197)I/O error reading or writing to the DASD copy of the CKDS or PKDS in use by ICSF.

User action: Contact your ICSF security administrator or system programmer. The RPL feedback code will be placed in the high-order halfword of the reason code field.

144 (324)There was insufficient coprocessor memory available to process your request. This could include the Flash EPROM used to store keys, profiles and other application data.

User action: Contact your system programmer or the IBM Support Center.

2FC (764)The master key is not in a valid state.

User action: Contact your ICSF administrator.


7D6 (2006)TKE: PCB service error.
7D7 (2007)TKE: Change type in PCB is not recognized.
7DF (2015)Domain in CPRB not enabled by EMB mask.
7E1 (2017)MKVP mismatch on Set MK.
7E5 (2021)PCI Cryptographic Coprocessor , PCI X Cryptographic Coprocessor, Crypto Express2 Coprocessor, or Crypto Express3 Coprocessor adapter disabled.
7E9 (2025)Enforcement mask error.
7F3 (2035)Intrusion latch has been tripped. Services disabled.
7F5 (2037)The domain specified is not valid.
7FB (2043)OA certificate not found.
819 (2073)The PCIXCC, CEX2C, or CEX3C has been disabled on the Support Element. It must be enabled on the Support Element prior to TKE accessing it.

User action: Permit the selected PCIXCC, CEX2C, or CEX3C for TKE Commands on the Support Element and then re-open the Host on TKE.

835 (2101)AES flags in the function control vector are not valid.
BBD (3005)The CKDS I/O subtask timed out waiting for an exclusive ENQ on the SYSZCKDS.CKDSdsn resource. A timeout will occur if one or more members of the ICSF sysplex group has not relinquished its ENQ on the resource. The CKDS update operation has failed.

User action: Issue D GRS,RES=(nnnnn), where nnnnn is the CKDS resource name from message CSFM302A, to determine which system or systems hold the resource. Determine if action should be taken to cause the holding system to release its ENQ on the CKDS resource.

BBE (3006)Failure after exhausting retry attempts. IXCMSGO issued from CSFMIOST.

User action: Contact your system programmer or the IBM Support Center.

BBF (3007)The CKDS service failed due to unexpected termination of the ICSF Cross-System Services environment. The termination of the ICSF Cross-System Services environment was caused by a failure when ICSF issued the IXCMSGI macro. Message CSFM603 has been issued.

User action: Report the occurrence of this error to your ICSF system programmer.

BC0 (3008)The TKDS I/O subtask timed out waiting for an exclusive ENQ on the SYSZTKDS.TKDSdsn resource. A timeout will occur if one or more members of the ICSF sysplex group has not reliquished its ENQ on the resource. The TKDS update operation has failed. The operator should issue D GRS,RES=(nnnnn) (where nnnnn is the TKDS resource name from message CSFM305A) to determine which system or systems hold the resource. Then the operator should determine if action should be taken to cause the holding system to release its ENQ on the TKDS resource.

User action: Report the occurrence of this error to your ICSF system programmer.

BC6 (3014)There is an I/O error reading or writing to the DASD copy of the TKDS in use by ICSF.

User action: Report the occurrence of this error to your ICSF system programmer.

BC7 (3015)A bad header record is detected for the TKDS in CSFMTDSL.

User action: Report the occurrence of this error to your ICSF system programmer.

BCF (3023)The PKCS #11 TKDS is not available for processing.

User action: Report the occurrence of this error to your ICSF system programmer.

BE6 (3046)An RSA retained key can no longer be generated with its key-usage flag set to allow key unwrapping (KM-ONLY or KEY-MGMT). Key usage must be SIG-ONLY.

User action: None required.

BE8 (3048)The services using encrypted AES keys, encrypted DES, or encrypted ECC keys are not available because the master key is required but not loaded or there is no access to any cryptographic units. Your request cannot be processed.

User action: Check the availability of ICSF with your ICSF administrator

BF2 (3058)A PKDS sysplex operation has been waiting unsuccessfully to obtain an enqueue. A failure to obtain either the SYSZPKDS or SYSZPKUP resource will result in the timeout.
C00 (3072)The serialization subtask terminated for an unexpected reason prior to completing the request. No dynamic CKDS or PKDS update services are possible at this point.

User action: Contact your system programmer who can investigate the problem and restart the I/O subtask by stopping and restarting ICSF.

C01 (3073)An error occurred attempting to obtain the system ENQ for a key data set update.

User action: If the error is common and persistent, contact your system programmer or the IBM Support Center.

C03 (3075)A symmetric key token was supplied in a key identifier parameter which is wrapped using the enhanced X9.24 key wrapping method. The cryptographic coprocessors available to process the request don't support the enhanced key wrapping.

User action: Contact system personnel to get coprocessors installed on your system which will support the enhanced X9.24 key wrapping.

C06 (3078)The CKDS was created with an unsupported LRECL.
C09 (3081)An attempt was made to load a PKDS that only uses the ECC master key on a pre-HCR7780 release of ICSF. Pre-HCR7780 systems do not support the ECC master key and use of an ECC MK-only PKDS is not allowed.

User Action: Change the PKDS selected. Specify a PKDS that is empty, uses an RSA master key, or uses both RSA and ECC master keys.

C0A (3082)A callable service generated or updated a symmetric key token and the X9.24 enhanced wrapping method was used to wrap the key. This key token is not usable on your system and ICSF will not allow the key to be generated. The key was wrapped with the enhanced wrapping method because a CEX3C coprocessor has the default wrapping configuration set to enhanced. This was most likely done by TKE changing the configuration.

User Action: Have the ICSF administrator set the default wrapping configuration to original for the LPAR that this system is running in.

C17 (3095)The sysplex KDS cluster members’ new AES master key registers were loaded with different values during a coordinated KDS change master key. All sysplex KDS cluster members’ (same active KDS) new AES master key registers must be loaded with the same value or all must be empty when performing a coordinated KDS change master key.

User action: Ensure all sysplex KDS cluster members’ new AES master key registers are loaded with the same value or all are empty and retry the function.

C18 (3096)One or more sysplex KDS cluster members’ new DES master key registers were loaded and others were empty during a coordinated KDS change master key. All sysplex KDS cluster members’ (same active KDS) new DES master key registers must be loaded with the same value or all must be empty when performing a coordinated KDS change master key.

User action: Ensure all sysplex KDS cluster members’ new DES master key registers are loaded with the same value or all are empty and retry the function.

C19 (3097)The sysplex KDS cluster members’ new DES master key registers were loaded with different values during a coordinated KDS change master key. All sysplex KDS cluster members’ (same active KDS) new DES master key registers must be loaded with the same value or all must be empty when performing a coordinated KDS change master key.

User action: Ensure all sysplex KDS cluster members’ new DES master key registers are loaded with the same value or all are empty and retry the function.

C1A (3098)A coordinated KDS change master key was attempted with empty DES new master key registers and empty AES new master key registers. At least one of the new master key registers must be loaded with a value to perform a coordinated KDS change master key.

User action: Load at least one of the DES new master key registers or AES new master key registers on all sysplex KDS cluster members with the same value and retry the function.

C1B (3099)An ICSF subtask terminated during coordinated KDS refresh or coordinated KDS change master key processing.

User action: Refer to the z/OS Cryptographic Services ICSF Administrator’s Guide for information on recovering from a coordinated CKDS administration failure. The function can be retried. If the error is common and persistent, contact your system programmer or the IBM Support Center.

C1C (3100)An error occurred attempting to obtain an ENQ for performing either a coordinated KDS refresh or coordinated KDS change master key.

User action: The function can be retried. If the error is common and persistent, contact your system programmer or the IBM Support Center.

C1D (3101)A target system (member of the sysplex KDS cluster) was unable to open the new KDS for either a coordinated KDS refresh or coordinated KDS change master key.

User action: Refer to the z/OS Cryptographic Services ICSF Administrator’s Guide for information on recovering from a coordinated CKDS administration failure. The function can be retried. If the error is common and persistent, contact your system programmer or the IBM Support Center.

C1E (3102)One or more sysplex KDS cluster members’ new AES master key registers were loaded and others were empty during a coordinated KDS change master key. All sysplex KDS cluster members’ (same active KDS) new AES master key registers must be loaded with the same value or all must be empty when performing a coordinated KDS change master key.

User action: Ensure all sysplex KDS cluster members new AES master key registers are loaded with the same value or all are empty and retry the function.

C2B (3115)Either a coordinated KDS refresh or coordinated KDS change master key was cancelled.

User action: Refer to the z/OS Cryptographic Services ICSF Administrator’s Guide for information on recovering from a coordinated CKDS administration failure. The function can be retried. If the error is common and persistent, contact your system programmer or the IBM Support Center.

C2C (3116)A catalog problem occurred during either a coordinated KDS refresh or coordinated KDS change master key. The problem occurred when looking up either the active KDS or new KDS in the catalog.

User action: Ensure both the active KDS and new KDS are cataloged and retry the function.

C2D (3117)A coordinated KDS refresh or coordinated KDS change master key was attempted on a system with a level of hardware that is not supported by the function. This reason code is also used if the licensed internal code (LIC) level on the originating system is lower then the licensed internal code (LIC) level on 1 or more of the other sysplex KDS cluster members.

User action: Refer to Coordinated KDS Administration (CSFCRC and CSFCRC6) for a list of supported hardware levels. Perform the coordinated KDS function from the system running the highest level of licensed internal code (LIC).

C2E (3118)A coordinated KDS change master key was attempted with the DES new master key register loaded but with no current DES master key set. In order to perform a coordinated KDS change master key to a new DES master key, a valid DES master key must have previously been set.

User action: Set a valid DES master key and then use the coordinated KDS change master key to change the DES master key.

C2F (3119)A coordinated KDS change master key was attempted with the AES new master key register loaded but with no current AES master key set. In order to perform a coordinated KDS change master key to a new AES master key, a valid AES master key must have previously been set.

User action: Set a valid AES master key and then use the coordinated KDS change master key to change the AES master key.

C32 (3122)A sysplex communication failure occurred during either coordinated KDS refresh or coordinated KDS change master key.

User action: Refer to the z/OS Cryptographic Services ICSF Administrator’s Guide for information on recovering from a coordinated CKDS administration failure. The function can be retried. If the error is common and persistent, contact your system programmer or the IBM Support Center.

C33 (3123)A failure occurred processing KDS updates during a coordinated KDS change master key.

User action: Refer to the z/OS Cryptographic Services ICSF Administrator’s Guide for information on recovering from a coordinated CKDS administration failure. The function can be retried. If the error is common and persistent, contact your system programmer or the IBM Support Center.

C34 (3124)An internal failure occurred in a coordinated KDS subtask while performing either a coordinated KDS refresh or a coordinated KDS change master key.

User action: Refer to the z/OS Cryptographic Services ICSF Administrator’s Guide for information on recovering from a coordinated CKDS administration failure. The function can be retried. If the error is common and persistent, contact your system programmer or the IBM Support Center.

C35 (3125)An internal failure occurred in a coordinated KDS subtask while performing either a coordinated KDS refresh or a coordinated KDS change master key.

User action: Refer to the z/OS Cryptographic Services ICSF Administrator’s Guide for information on recovering from a coordinated CKDS administration failure. The function can be retried. If the error is common and persistent, contact your system programmer or the IBM Support Center.

C36 (3126)An internal failure occurred in the sysplex subtask while performing either a coordinated KDS refresh or coordinated KDS change master key.

User action: Refer to the z/OS Cryptographic Services ICSF Administrator’s Guide for information on recovering from a coordinated CKDS administration failure. The function can be retried. If the error is common and persistent, contact your system programmer or the IBM Support Center.

C37 (3127)An internal failure occurred in the serialization subtask while performing either a coordinated KDS refresh or coordinated KDS change master key.

User action: Refer to the z/OS Cryptographic Services ICSF Administrator’s Guide for information on recovering from a coordinated CKDS administration failure. The function can be retried. If the error is common and persistent, contact your system programmer or the IBM Support Center.

C38 (3128)An internal failure occurred in the I/O subtask while performing a coordinated KDS change master key.

User action: Refer to the z/OS Cryptographic Services ICSF Administrator’s Guide for information on recovering from a coordinated CKDS administration failure. The function may be retried. If the error is common and persistent, contact your system programmer or the IBM Support Center.

C3A (3130)A target system (member of the sysplex KDS cluster) is not being responsive to a system that is originating either a coordinated KDS refresh or coordinated KDS change master key.

User action: Refer to the z/OS Cryptographic Services ICSF Administrator’s Guide for information on recovering from a coordinated CKDS administration failure. The function can be retried. If the error is common and persistent, contact your system programmer or the IBM Support Center.

C3B (3131)The active KDS could not be reenciphered to the new KDS during a coordinated KDS change master key.

User action: Refer to the z/OS Cryptographic Services ICSF Administrator’s Guide for information on recovering from a coordinated CKDS administration failure. The function can be retried. If the error is common and persistent, contact your system programmer or the IBM Support Center.

C3E (3134)A failure occurred either renaming the active KDS to the archive KDS or renaming the new KDS to the active KDS during a coordinated KDS refresh or coordinated KDS change master key.

User action: Refer to the z/OS Cryptographic Services ICSF Administrator’s Guide for information on recovering from a coordinated CKDS administration failure. The function can be retried. If the error is common and persistent, contact your system programmer or the IBM Support Center.

C40 (3136)A coordinated KDS refresh or coordinated KDS change master key was originated from a system at a lower ICSF FMID release level than one or more of the target systems (sysplex KDS cluster members). The coordinated KDS functions must be originated from a system running the highest ICSF FMID level.

User action: Retry the function from a sysplex KDS cluster member running the highest ICSF FMID level.

C41 (3137)An internal failure occurred during the set master key step of a coordinated KDS change master key.

User action: Refer to the z/OS Cryptographic Services ICSF Administrator’s Guide for information on recovering from a coordinated CKDS administration failure. The function can be retried. If the error is common and persistent, contact your system programmer or the IBM Support Center.

C42 (3138)A failure occurred trying to back out from a failed rename of the active KDS to the archive KDS or a failed rename of the new KDS to the active KDS during a coordinated KDS refresh or coordinated KDS change master key.

User action: Refer to the z/OS Cryptographic Services ICSF Administrator’s Guide for information on recovering from a coordinated CKDS administration failure. The function can be retried. If the error is common and persistent, contact your system programmer or the IBM Support Center.

C43 (3139)A failure occurred switching the new KDS to the active KDS during either a coordinated KDS refresh or a coordinated KDS change master key.

User action: Refer to the z/OS Cryptographic Services ICSF Administrator’s Guide for information on recovering from a coordinated CKDS administration failure. The function can be retried. If the error is common and persistent, contact your system programmer or the IBM Support Center.

C44 (3140)A coordinated KDS refresh or a coordinated KDS change master key failed because one of the target systems (sysplex KDS cluster members) had not finished ICSF initialization.

User action: Allow all sysplex KDS cluster members to finish ICSF initialization and retry the function.

1779 (6009)One or more target systems (sysplex KDS cluster members) did not successfully load the new KDS during a coordinated KDS refresh or coordinated KDS change master key. This a common result of an unresponsive target system.

User action: Refer to the z/OS Cryptographic Services ICSF Administrator’s Guide for information on recovering from a coordinated CKDS administration failure. If the error is common and persistent, contact your system programmer or the IBM Support Center.

1780 (6016)A DASD IO error was encountered during access of the CKDS, PKDS, or TKDS.

User action: Contact your ICSF security administrator or system programmer. The SVC 99 error code will be placed in the high-order halfword of the reason code field.

178C (6028)ESTAE could not be established in common I/O routines.

User action: Contact your system programmer or the IBM Support Center.

1790 (6032)The dynamic allocation of the DASD copy of the CKDS, PKDS, or TKDS in use by ICSF failed.

User action: Contact your ICSF security administrator or system programmer. The SVC 99 error code will be placed in the high-order halfword of the reason code field.

1794 (6036)A dynamic deallocation error occurred when closing and deallocating a CKDS, PKDS, or TKDS.

User action: Contact your security administrator or system programmer. The SVC 99 error code will be placed in the high-order halfword of the reason code field.

1795 (6037)A failure occurred routing KDS updates to the originating system of a coordinated KDS change master key.

User action: Refer to the z/OS Cryptographic Services ICSF Administrator’s Guide for information on recovering from a coordinated CKDS administration failure. The function can be retried. If the error is common and persistent, contact your system programmer or the IBM Support Center.

1796 (6038)The I/O subtask became out of sync with the sysplex KDS cluster during a coordinated KDS change master key. The I/O subtask will be restarted to get back in sync with the sysplex KDS cluster.

User action: Refer to the z/OS Cryptographic Services ICSF Administrator’s Guide for information on recovering from a coordinated CKDS administration failure. The function can be retried. If the error is common and persistent, contact your system programmer or the IBM Support Center.

1797 (6039)ICSF was unable to attach a coordinated KDS subtask for either a coordinated KDS refresh or coordinated KDS change master key.

User action: Refer to the z/OS Cryptographic Services ICSF Administrator’s Guide for information on recovering from a coordinated CKDS administration failure. The function can be retried. If the error is common and persistent, contact your system programmer or the IBM Support Center.

2724 (10020)A key retrieved from the in-storage CKDS failed the MAC verification (MACVER) check and is unusable.

User action: Contact your ICSF administrator.

2728 (10024)A key retrieved from the in-storage CKDS or a key to be written to the PKDS was rejected for use by the installation exit.

User action: Contact your ICSF administrator or system programmer.

272C (10028)You cannot use the secure key import or multiple secure key import callable services because the cryptographic unit is not enabled for processing. The cryptographic unit is not in special secure mode or is disabled in the environment control mask (ECM).

User action: Contact your ICSF administrator (your administrator can enable the processing mode or the ECM).

2734 (10036)More than one key with the same label was found in the CKDS or PKDS. This function requires a unique key per label. The probable cause may be the use of an incorrect label pointing to a key type that allows multiple keys per label.

User action: Make sure the application specifies the correct label. If the label is correct, contact your ICSF security administrator or system programmer to verify the contents of the CKDS or PKDS.

273C (10044)OPEN of the PKDS in use by ICSF failed.

User action: Contact your ICSF security administrator or system programmer.

2740 (10048)I/O error reading or writing to the DASD copy of the CKDS or PKDS in use by ICSF.

User action: Contact your ICSF security administrator or system programmer. The RPL feedback code will be placed in the high-order halfword of the reason code field.


2744 (10052)Automatic REFRESH to free storage in the linear section of the CKT failed.

User action: Contact your ICSF security administrator or system programmer and request that a REFRESH be done.

274C (10060)The I/O subtask terminated for an unexpected reason prior to completing the request. No dynamic CKDS or PKDS update services are possible at this point.

User action: Contact your system programmer who can investigate the problem and restart the I/O subtask by stopping and restarting ICSF.

2B04 (11012)This function is disabled in the environment control mask (ECM).

User action: Contact your ICSF administrator.

2B08 (11016)The master key is not in a valid state.

User action: Contact your ICSF administrator.


2B0C (11020)The modulus of the public or private key is larger than allowed and configured in the CCC or FCV. You cannot use this key on this system.

User action: Regenerate the key with a smaller modulus size.

2B10 (11024)The system administrator has used the ICSF User Control Functions panel to disable the RSA functions.

User action: Wait until administrator functions are complete and the RSA functions are again enabled.

2B18 (11032)A CAMQ is valid for PKSC but not for PKA.

User action: Contact your ICSF administrator.

2B1C (11036)A PKDS is not available for processing.

User action: Contact your ICSF administrator.

2B20 (11040)The PKDS Control Record hash pattern is not valid.

User action: Contact your ICSF administrator.

2B24 (11044)The PKDS could not be accessed.

User action: Contact your ICSF administrator.

2B28 (11048)The PCICC, PCIXCC, CEX2C, or CEX3C failed.

User action: Contact your IBM support center.

2B2C (11052)The specific PCICC, PCIXCC, CEX2C, or CEX3C requested for service is temporarily unavailable. PKDS could not be accessed. The specific PCICC, PCIXCC, CEX2C, or CEX3C may be attempting some recovery action. If recovery action is successful, the PCICC, PCIXCC, CEX2C, or CEX3C will be made available. If the recovery action fails, the PCICC, PCIXCC, CEX2C, or CEX3C will be made permanently unavailable.

User action: Retry the function.

2B30 (11056)The PCICC, PCIXCC, CEX2C, or CEX3C failed. The response from the processor was incomplete.

User action: Contact your IBM support center.

2B34 (11060)The service could not be performed because the required PCICC, PCIXCC, CEX2C, or CEX3C was not active, or did not have a master key set.

User action: If the service required a specific PCICC, PCIXCC, CEX2C, or CEX3C, verify that the value specified is correct. Reissue the request when the required PCICC, PCIXCC, CEX2C, or CEX3C is available, and has the master key set.

2B38 (11064)Service could not be performed because of a hardware error on the PCICC, PCIXCC, CEX2C, or CEX3C.
2B40 (11072)CEX2C has been reconfigured to a CEX2A, or CEX3C has been reconfigured to a CEX3A. TKE will not recognize the coprocessor until it is reconfigured back to a CEX2C or CEX3C.
2EDC (11996)The Cryptographic Coprocessor Feature is not available for CKDS initialization because the cryptographic unit is not in special secure mode.

User action: Contact your ICSF administrator.

2EE0 (12000)You cannot use the Clear PIN generate callable service because the cryptographic unit is not enabled for processing. The cryptographic unit is not in special secure mode.

User action: Contact your ICSF administrator who can enable the processing mode.

8CA2 (36002)CSFPCI was called to set the RSA master key in a PCIXCC, CEX2C or CEX3C. This function is disabled because dynamic RSA master key change is enabled and the RSA master key can only be changed from the ICSF TSO Change asymmetric master key utility.
8CB4 (36020)A refresh of the CKDS failed because the DASD copy of the CKDS is enciphered under the wrong master key. This may have resulted from an automatic refresh during processing of the CKDS key record create callable service.

User action: Contact your ICSF administrator.

8D14 (36116)The PKDS specified for refresh, reencipher or activate has an incorrect dataset attribute.

User action: Create a larger PKDS. See z/OS Cryptographic Services ICSF System Programmer’s Guide.

8D3C (36156)A PKCS #11 service is being requested. The service is disabled due to an ICSF FIPS self test failure. The request is not processed.

User action: Report the problem to your IBM support center

8D40 (36160)The attempt to reencipher the CKDS failed because there is an enhanced wrapped token in the CKDS.

User Action: Reencipher the CKDS on a system that supports the enhanced wrapping method.

8D5A (36186)A request was made to reencipher a CKDS. The CKDS specified cannot be reenciphered on this release of ICSF because the CKDS contains Variable-length Symmetric key tokens with an unrecognized algorithm or key type in the associated data section. Only key tokens with a recognized algorithm or key type can be managed on this release of ICSF.

User action: Perform the reencipher operation on a release of ICSF which recognizes the algorithm and key type of all tokens in the specified CKDS.

8D56 (36182)A coprocessor failure was detected during initialization.

User action: The error is accompanied by the CSFM540I message. Follow instructions associated with that message.

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