z/OS Language Environment Writing Interlanguage Communication Applications
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Sample N-Way ILC applications

z/OS Language Environment Writing Interlanguage Communication Applications

Figure 1. PL/I main routine of ILC application
 *Process lc(101),s,map,list,stmt,a(f),ag;                                
   NWAYILC: PROC OPTIONS(MAIN);                                           
   /*Module/File Name: IBMNWAY                                            
   /* FUNCTION   :  Interlanguage communications call to a    *
   /*               C program which in turn calls a           *
   /*               COBOL program.                            *
   /*                                                         *
   /* Our example illustrates a 3-way interlanguage call from *
   /* a PL/I main program to a C program and from C to        *
   /* a COBOL subroutine. PL/I initializes an array to zeros. *
   /* PL/I passes the array and an empty character string to  *
   /* C program NWAY2C. NWAY2C fills the numeric array with   *
   /* random numbers and a C character array with lowercase   *
   /* letters.  A COBOL program, NWAY2CB, is called to convert*
   /* the characters to uppercase. The random numbers array   *
   /* and the string of uppercase characters are returned     *
   /* to PL/I main program and printed.                       *
   /* DECLARES FOR THE CALL TO C                              *
   DCL J FIXED BIN(31,0);                                                 
   DCL NWAY2C EXTERNAL ENTRY RETURNS(FIXED BIN(31,0));                    
   DCL RANDS(6) FIXED BIN(31,0);                                          
   DCL STRING CHAR(80) INIT('Initial String Value');                      
   DCL ADDR BUILTIN;                                                      
   RANDS = 0;                                                             
   PUT SKIP LIST('NWAYILC STARTED');                                      
   /*Pass array and an empty string to C.        */                       
   J = NWAY2C( ADDR( RANDS ), ADDR( STRING ) );                           
   PUT SKIP LIST ('Returned from C and COBOL subroutines');               
   IF (J = 999) THEN DO;                                                  
    PUT EDIT (STRING) (SKIP(1) , A(80));                                  
    PUT EDIT ( (RANDS(I) DO I = 1 TO HBOUND(RANDS,1)) )                   
                (SKIP(1) , F(10) );                                       
   ELSE DO;                                                               
     PUT SKIP LIST('BAD RETURN CODE FROM C');                             
   PUT SKIP LIST('NWAYILC ENDED');                                        
  END NWAYILC;                                                            
Figure 2. C routine called by PL/I in a 3-way ILC application
 /*Module/File Name:  EDCNWAY  */                                         
   * NWAY2C is invoked by a PL/I program. The PL/I program passes   *
   * an array of zeros and an UNINITIALIZED character string.       *
   * NWAY2C fills the array with random numbers. It fills the       *
   * character string with lowercase letters, calls a COBOL         *
   * subroutine to convert them to uppercase (NWAY2CB), and returns *
   * to PL/I. The by reference parameters are modified.             *
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <string.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <leawi.h>
 #ifdef __cplusplus                                                       
   extern "PLI" int NWAY2C (int *c_array 6 , char *chrptr 80   );
   extern "COBOL" void NWAY2CB(char *);                                   
   #pragma linkage (NWAY2C,PLI)                                           
   #pragma linkage (NWAY2CB,COBOL)                                        
   void NWAY2CB(char *);                                                  
   int NWAY2C (int *c_array 6 , char *chrptr 80   )
     int  *pRns ;                                                         
     char *pChr ;                                                         
     char string  80  = "the random numbers are";
     int i, ret=999;                                                   
     fprintf(stderr,"NWAY2C STARTED\n");
     /* Check chrptr from PLI to verify we got what expected *
    if(strncmp(*chrptr, "Initial String Value", 20))                     
        "NWAY2C: chrptr not what expected.\n \"%s\"\n", *chrptr);
    /*Fill numeric array parameter with random numbers.     *
    /*Adjust for possible array element size difference.    *
    pRns = *c_array;                                                     
    for (i=0; i < 6; ++i)                                                
       pRns i  = rand() ;
       fprintf(stderr,"pRns %d  = %d\n",i,pRns i  );
    /* Call COBOL to change lowercase characters to upper.  *
    if(strncmp(*chrptr, "INITIAL STRING VALUE", 20))                     
        "NWAY2C: string not what expected.\n \"%s\"\n", *chrptr);
    fprintf(stderr,"NWAY2C ENDED\n");
Figure 3. COBOL program called by C in a 3-way ILC application
         CBL QUOTE                                                     
       *Module/File Name: IGZTNWAY                                    
       ** NWAY2CB is called and passed an 80-character *
       *  lowercase character string by reference.     *
       *  The string is converted to uppercase and     *
       *  control returns to the caller.               *
        ID DIVISION.                                                  
        PROGRAM-ID. NWAY2CB.                                          
        ENVIRONMENT DIVISION.                                         
        DATA DIVISION.                                                
        WORKING-STORAGE SECTION.                                      
        LINKAGE SECTION.                                              
        77  STRING-VAL PIC X(80).                                     
        PROCEDURE DIVISION USING STRING-VAL.                          
            DISPLAY "NWAY2CB STARTED".                                
            MOVE FUNCTION UPPER-CASE (STRING-VAL)                     
                 TO STRING-VAL.                                       
            DISPLAY "NWAY2CB ENDED".                                  

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