z/OS Language Environment Writing Interlanguage Communication Applications
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Exception occurs in COBOL

z/OS Language Environment Writing Interlanguage Communication Applications

In this scenario, a C main routine invokes a COBOL subroutine and an exception occurs in the COBOL subroutine. Refer to Figure 1 throughout the following discussion.

Figure 1. Stack contents when the COBOL exception occurs
The stack contents when the COBOL exception occurs

The actions taken follow the three Language Environment condition handling steps: enablement, condition, and termination imminent.

  1. In the enablement step, COBOL determines if the exception should be ignored or handled as a condition.
    • If the exception is to be ignored, control is returned to the next sequential instruction after where the exception occurred.
    • If the exception is to be enabled and processed as a condition, the condition handling step takes place.
  2. If a user-written condition handler has been registered using CEEHDLR on the COBOL stack frame, it is given control. If it issues a resume, with or without moving the resume cursor, the condition handling step ends. Processing continues in the routine to which the resume cursor points.

    In this example, no user-written condition handler is registered for the condition, so the condition is percolated. You must be careful when moving the resume cursor in an application that contains a COBOL program; see CEEMRCR and COBOL for details.

  3. If a user-written condition handler has been registered for the condition (as specified in the global error table) using CEEHDLR on the C stack frame, it is given control. If it issues a resume, with or without moving the resume cursor, the condition handling step ends. Processing continues in the routine to which the resume cursor points.

    In this example, no user-written condition handler is registered for the condition, so the condition is percolated.

  4. If a C signal handler has been registered for the condition, it is given control. If it moves the resume cursor or issues a call to longjmp(), the condition handling step ends. Processing resumes in the routine to which the resume cursor points. You must be careful when moving the resume cursor in an application that contains a COBOL program; see CEEMRCR and COBOL for details.

    In this example, no C signal handler is registered for the condition, so the condition is percolated.

  5. If the condition has a Facility_ID of IGZ, the condition is COBOL-specific. The COBOL default actions for the condition take place. If COBOL does not recognize the condition, condition handling continues.
  6. If the condition is of severity 0 or 1, Language Environment default actions take place, as described in Table 1.
  7. If the condition is of severity 2 or above, Language Environment default action is to promote the condition to T_I_U (Termination Imminent due to an Unhandled condition) and redrive the stack. Condition handling now enters the termination imminent step.
  8. If, on the second pass of the stack, no condition handler moves the resume cursor and issues a resume, Language Environment terminates the thread.

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