z/OS Language Environment Writing Interlanguage Communication Applications
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Sample ILC applications

z/OS Language Environment Writing Interlanguage Communication Applications

Figure 1. Fortranprogram that dynamically calls COBOL program
 @PROCESS LIST DYNAMIC(CBLFFOR)                                       
       PROGRAM FOR2CB                                                 
 *    Module/File Name:  AFHCBFOR */                                  
 *     Illustration of Interlanguage Communication  *
 *     bewteen Fortran and COBOL.  This Fortran     *
 *     program makes a dynamic call to the COBOL    *
 *     routine named CBLFFOR.                       *
       INTEGER*2    INT_2   / 2 /                                     
       INTEGER*4    INT_4   / 4 /                                     
       REAL*8       REAL_8  / 8.0D0 /                                 
       CHARACTER*23 CHAR_23 / ' ' /                                   
       PRINT *, 'FOR2CB STARTED'                                      
       CALL CBLFFOR (INT_2, INT_4, REAL_8, CHAR_23)                   
       IF (CHAR_23 /=  'PASSED CHARACTER STRING') THEN                
          PRINT *, 'CHAR_23 NOT SET PROPERLY'                         
       PRINT *, 'FOR2CB STARTED'                                      
Figure 2. COBOLProgram dynamically called by Fortran program
 CBL LIB,QUOTE                                                    
       *Module/File Name:  IGZTCBFO                               
        IDENTIFICATION DIVISION.                                  
        PROGRAM-ID.  CBLFFOR                                      
        DATA DIVISION.                                            
        LINKAGE SECTION.                                          
        77  int2                 PIC S9(4) BINARY.                
        77  int4                 PIC S9(9) BINARY.                
        77  float                COMP-2.                          
        77  char-string          PIC X(23).                       
        PROCEDURE DIVISION USING int2 int4 float char-string.     
             DISPLAY "CBLFFOR STARTED".                           
             IF (int2 NOT = 2) THEN                               
               DISPLAY "INT2 NOT = 2".                            
             IF (int4 NOT = 4) THEN                               
               DISPLAY "INT4 NOT = 4".                            
             IF (float NOT = 8.0) THEN                            
               DISPLAY "FLOAT NOT = 8".                           
             MOVE "PASSED CHARACTER STRING" TO char-string.       
             DISPLAY "CBLFFOR ENDED".                             

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