BPXYPPSD — Map signal delivery data

This structure is passed to a signal interface routine (SIR). AMODE 64 callers use BPXYPPSD — Map signal delivery data.

            BPXYPPSD   ,                                                        
** BPXYPPSD: Signal Data Area                                                   
**  Used By: User written signal interrupt routines                             
PPSD                 DSECT ,                                                    
PPSDID               DC    C'PPSD'  Eye catcher                                 
PPSD#ID              EQU   C'PPSD'    Control Block Acronym                     
PPSDSP               DS    FL1      Subpool number of this PPSD                 
PPSD#SP              EQU   230        Subpool for the PPSD                      
PPSDLEN              DC    AL3(PPSD#LENGTH)   Length this structure             
*    *****************************************************************          
*     PpsdSIRParms is used to setup up a parameter list to the                  
*     Signal Interface Routine (SIR).  When the SIR is invoked, the             
*     address of PpsdSIRParms field is set in Register 1.  The                  
*     PpsdAddrPpsd contains the address of the Ppsd.                            
*    *****************************************************************          
PPSDSIRPARMS         DS    0A       SIR Parameters                              
PPSDADDRPPSD         DC    A(PPSD)  Pointer to the top of the Ppsd              
PPSDSIRPARMEND       EQU   X'80'    End of Parameters flag set on               
PPSDTRMEXITSTATUS    DS    F        4 Byte status passed to PRTRM               
PPSDSIGNUM           DS    F        Signal number                               
PPSDFL               DS    XL2      X'7FFF' reserved                            
                     ORG   PPSDFL                                               
PPSDFLAGS2A          DS    0B                                                   
PPSDQUIESCEFREEZE    EQU   X'80'      Interrupt due to freeze                   
PPSDSIRCOMPLETE      EQU   X'40'    Sir done with async I/O exits               
PPSDPROCDFT          EQU   X'20'    Process default                             
PPSDSIGQUEUE         EQU   X'10'    NSSGQ queued signal                         
PPSDREDRIVE          EQU   X'08'    SPB will Resend signal later                
PPSDJUMPBACK         EQU   X'04'    SPB return to point of interrupt            
PPSDMASKONLY         EQU   X'02'    SPB restore mask only                       
PPSDSIGTHSTOP        EQU   X'01'    Interrupt due to thread-stop                
*                                   signal                                      
                     ORG   PPSDFL+0001                                          
PPSDFLAGS2B          DS    B                                                    
PPSDQUIESCEANDGET    EQU   X'80'    Interrupt due to                            
*                                   pthread_quiesce_and_get_np                  
PPSDF2_64            EQU   X'40'    Use PSWxxx64 fields                         
PPSDACTION           DS    B        Action for this signal                      
*                                      catch                                    
*                                      SIR determines default action            
PPSDFLAGS            DS    B        X'00' reserved                              
PPSDASYNC            EQU   X'80'    Signal delivered Asynchronously             
PPSDDUMP             EQU   X'40'    Dump for terminating signals                
PPSDPTHREADKILL      EQU   X'20'    Signal sent via BPX1PTK                     
PPSDTHISTHREADGEN    EQU   X'10'    Sending=Receiving thread                    
PPSDSIGNAL           EQU   X'08'    Interrupt due to signal                     
PPSDCANCEL           EQU   X'04'    Interrupt due to cancel                     
PPSDQUIESCE          EQU   X'02'    Interrupt due to quiesce                    
PPSDIPT              EQU   X'01'    If ON then this is the IPT                  
PPSDSAHANDLER        DS    A        Addr of catcher function                    
PPSDSAMASK           DS    XL8      Signal mask set by BPX1SIA for              
*                                   this signal                                 
PPSDSAFLAGS          DS    XL4      X'00FFFFFF' reserved                        
PPSDNOCLDSTOP        EQU   X'80'      Do not generate SIGCHLD on stops          
PPSDOLDSTYLE         EQU   X'40'      Signal defined by signal() funct.         
PPSDONSTACK          EQU   X'20'      Deliver on alternate stack                
PPSDRESETHAND        EQU   X'10'      Reset action on delivery                  
PPSDRESTART          EQU   X'08'      Restart interruptable funcs               
PPSDSIGINF           EQU   X'04'      Pass sig info to catcher                  
PPSDNOCLDWAIT        EQU   X'02'      Don't create zombie on exit               
PPSDNODEFER          EQU   X'01'      Don't block sig on delivery               
PPSDCURRENTMASK      DS    XL8      This is the signal mask to be set           
*                                   when the signal catcher returns.            
*                                   Signal mask at time of interrupt            
*                                   except for sigsuspend case. If              
*                                   signal during sigsuspend, then              
*                                   this mask is the signal mask prior          
*                                   to call to sigsuspend.                      
PPSDSIR              DS    A        Addr Signal interrupt routine               
PPSDUSERDATA         DS    A        User data speicified on BPX1MSS             
PPSDGENREGS          DS    CL64     Users general regs at interrupt             
PPSDPSW              DS    XL8      Users PSW at interrupt                      
PPSDARREGS           DS    16F      Users AR regs at interrupt                  
PPSDKILDATA          DS    FL2      User specified data on BPX1KIL              
PPSDKILOPTS          DS    XL2      X'7FFF' reserved                            
*                                   User specified options on BPX1KIL           
PPSDPTBYPASS         EQU   X'80'      Ptrace Bypass option in effect            
PPSDKERNSICODE       EQU   X'40'      PpsdKilData=Kern set SiCode               
PPSDAPPLSICODE       EQU   X'20'      PpsdKilData=Appl set SiCode               
PPSDCONSCANCEL       EQU   X'10'      Console MODIFY cancel qualifier           
*                                     in PpdsKilData                            
PPSDSUPERKILL        EQU   X'08'      Superkill option on BPX1KIL               
PPSDTRACEOVERRIDE    EQU   X'04'      SYSCALL Trace Override Option             
PPSDTRACEACTION      EQU   X'02'      SYSCALL Trace Action Setting              

PPSDQUIESCEDATA      DS    F        Quiesce_Data specified on BPX1QUT           
PPSDLASTPTSIG        DS    F        Last Ptraced Signal                         
PPSDSIGACTIONDATA    DS    F        User_Data specified on BPX1SIA              
PPSDPTXLWAPTR        DS    A        Threads workarea address specified          
*                                   on BPX1PTC (pthread_create).  This          
*                                   address is zero if the thread was           
*                                   not pt_created.                             
PPSDSENDINGTHREAD    DS    CL8      Sending thread id                           
PPSDTARGETTHREAD     DS    CL8      Target thread id                            
PPSDSENDINGPID       DS    F        Sending process id                          
PPSDSENDINGUID       DS    F        Sending real uid                            
PPSDSIADDR           DS    A        Address of faulting instruction             
*                                   for SIGILL, SIGFPE, SIGSEGV                 
PPSDSISTATUS         DS    F        Exit status or signal                       
PPSDSIBAND           DS    F        Band event                                  
PPSDERRNO            DS    F        Error return code                           
PPSDCATCHERMASK      DS    XL8      Signal Mask to be set before signal         
*                                  catcher is called. If signal during          
*                                  sigsuspend then this field is same           
*                                  as mask specified on sigsuspend. If          
*                                  not sigsuspend, then PpsdCatcherMask         
*                                  and PpsdCurrentMask are equal.               
PPSDRES10            DS    25F      Reserved                                    
PPSDSQV              DS    F        Signal si_value                             
PPSDREDRIVETIME      DS    F        Time to delay signal 1000 per mic           
PPSDG64H             DS    16F      Users G64H at interrupt                     
PPSDRRTRMMSGTHID     DS    CL8      Sending thread id for MSG                   
*                                  BPXP010I                                     
PPSDSENDINGJOBNAME   DS    CL8      Jobname of thread sending signal            
                     DS    4F       Reserved                                    
PPSDRES11            DS    22F      Reserved in 31 bit mode                     
                     DS    4F       Reserved                                    
                     DS    FL2      Reserved                                    
PPSDAIOCB64          DS    FL2      Amode(64) Exit Flags                        
PPSDEXCOUNT          DS    FL2      Count of PpsdAiocb's                        
PPSDEXLASTIX         DS    FL2      Last array index used                       
PPSDAIOCB            DS    12D      Aiocb Array for Async Exit                  
PPSDEND              DS    0D       End of PPSD on double word                  
PPSD#LENGTH          EQU   *-PPSD   Length of this structure