BPX4SEC (__login, __login__applid, __certificate) example

The following code will invoke RACF® (or other security product) to create a security environment (ACEE) for the calling process with the identity of JOEUSER. For the callable service, see __login, __login__applid, __certificate (BPX1SEC, BPX4SEC) — Provides an interface to the security product. AMODE 31 callers use BPX1SEC (__login, __login__applid, __certificate) example.
         MVC   USERNLEN,=F'7'                                           
         MVC   USERNAME(7),=CL7'JOEUSER'                                
         MVC   OLDPASSLEN,=F'8'                                         
         MVC   OLDPASS,=CL8'JOESPASS'                                   
         MVC   OPTIONS,=F'0'                                            
         SPACE ,                                                        
         CALL  BPX4SEC,              Create security environment       +
               (=A(SECURITY_CREATE#), Input: Function_code    BPXYCONS +
               SECURITY_USERID#,      Input: ID-Type          BPXYCONS +
               USERNLEN,              Input: UserID Length             +
               USERNAME,              Input: UserID                    +
               OLDPASSLEN,            Input: Password Length           +
               OLDPASS,               Input: Password                  +
               =A(0),                 Input: Holder                    +
               =A(0),                 Input: Holder                    +
               OPTIONS,               Input: Options                   +
               RETVAL,                Return value: 0 or -1            +
               RETCODE,               Return code                      +
               RSNCODE),              Reason code                      +
               MF=(E,PLIST)          ----------------------------------